RE: Walk Around Hamburg Harbor and Visiting Elbphilharmonie Souvenir Shop

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Haaa yeah that one was full of excitement and promise and fun and OMG soooo much excitement to be able to meet you all IRL..😱..but then then second comment was AFTER I saw the cost of a ONE WAY airfare....😱...

I used to get SERIOUSLY BAD BAD BAAAAADDDD migraines for many years- from when I was in primary school in the early 70's, till 2010- when I had my first heart attack and now very rarely get a headache, let alone a migraine..BUT I'm NOT suggesting that you go and have a heart attack...🤣..noooo....

but I am suggesting that you consider low dose Beta Blockers, or calcium channel blockers- if you haven't already, as I have been taking low dose Beta blockers since my first heart attack and that's why my migraines have stopped.

You may not have to use them daily, but only when you recognise a trigger for them..

Anyway, worked for me.

See you in Croatia- hopefully with both kidneys, (probably not though...) 🤣


I will check out that link and research a bit!


Yes, please do that because it is worth it.

I know a lot of people that do public speaking take Beta Blockers to calm themselves before getting on stage, so although they're to calm your heart, they are also usd for many other things too.

Do you take Magnesium? MAgnesium relaxes muscles, that could help too.

But like I said, I barely get a headache now, after many decades of severe migraines and I'm sure it's because of the Beta Blockers. I cut 1 50mg table into 1/4's, so I take 12,5 mgs a day which is a tiny amount, but enough to work for me...
