How to cope up with higher taxes in dCity? (My view)


The players who are already in the dCity game and understand the mode of earning, for them high rate of taxation is not a new thing. But to those who are newbies and thinking to enter the game, more than 100% tax on income is really a matter of concern. I also started to play the game couple of months before and found that most of the time tax rate is more than 100%.

If you are a newbie, then there are not many options for you to earn SIM income. In such conditions, there are two ways to earn SIM income, viz by war shares and tax refund. Both the options are not suitable for newbies as it required enough SIM, time, and patience to accumulate war share and tax refund cards. Most of the senior player's suggestion for newbies is to buy SIM as much quantity as you can and keep eye on the market to buy suitable card on reasonable rate. It is a slow game and city doesn't build overnight.

There are some cards which one must keep eye on to buy at suitable price. Keep bidding and accumulate the cards. Avoid to buy on ask price until and unless it is listed on fairly price.

SIMillionaire status

If you can afford to invest the amount to buy 1M SIM, go for it and grab it. It is worthwhile to be a SIMillionaire in the game. You will be entitled to earn holding rewards in Hive as soon as your SIM power become 1M. It would be your passive income depends on APR of SIM holding. Currently, it is about 4-5% pm, on daily basis.

Other than passive income, a SIMillionaire get access to SIMillionaire club in discord channel. Also, there are chances to get student card daily.

Tax refund cards

These cards are somewhat expensive, so you must have to wait for reasonable price, bid them regularly, and you will get it slowly. You can also mind third generation card directly for just 800 SIM and there are chances to get tax refund card like Church.

Combined cards like Entertainment Zone, Experimental Lab, Transportation Hub, Communal Housing also gives tax refund so focus on buying ingredients of these cards.

Other 1st and second generation cards like ** Policeman, Eco activist, Professor, Economist, Soldier etc.**are no more minted and can only be purchased from market, so buy them time to time when get attractive rates. Lawyer card gives max tax refund of 10 so always place your bid and keep eye on it to grab at cheaper price. Student and Student(debt) also gives 1 tax refund, but can't be minted always. Student (debt) become available sometimes or Student trained to become Student(debt). Recently, Student card can be claimed if you have Hive Punks.

Student(debt) is converted to another citizen by paying 40 SIM, and it is randomly converted to different citizens and getting Lawyer card is rare, i.e., only 0.1% chance.

War Shares

There are only 4 types of card which gives war shares, viz.
Military Industrial Complex, it is a 2nd generation card available in the market. It gives 1 ware share. Buy it wisely.
Military Base , It is a 3rd generation card, can be minted or bought from the market. Chance of minting is only 0.5%, Good luck!
Drone Factory, It is a combined card and its ingredients are available in the market. Key ingredients are Military industrial complex and Laboratory. It gives you 10 war shares and so you will have benefit of 5 war share.
Soldier gives you 0.1 war shares, it can be bought from market as well as by paying debt of Student (debt) and if you are lucky you will get this card.

Discovery of various cards

Other than above options, a newbie must focus on unlock all technology branches, building Popularity, Education, and Creativity. Buy some technology card which help to improve. Popularity, Education, and Creativity. By improving this, you will get discovery chances of technology card, and receiving Background/Animation.


Every day one Homeless or Immigrants trained into Workers (80% chance), Artists (10% chance) and Scientists (10% chance). Training chances can be improved by buying Job Center card.

In a nutshell, building a profitable city depends on various factors and your calculation. Keep study Info section every day, Join Discord and have discussion with other players, help others and get help from others. There is no any perfect formula to build an ideal city.

If you are still not in the game, just join and lets' play!! 🏤🏦🏟️


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Thanks for sharing this! It's really helpful since I started to play dCity just yesterday.
