dCity : Some interesting technology cards of the game! (My Opinion)


With each passing day, I get to learn something new in this game. The fun in the game is only when you understand it well. And to understand anything, one has to go deep into it. To go deep, one has to study deeply about it. I check the info section of the game several times every day. Before buying any card, it is necessary to calculate about the advantages and disadvantages of it. Today I would like to talk about some such technology cards which can make your game more interesting and beneficial. There are numerous useful cards but here we will discuss cards available under 5000 SIM.

To avail the benefits of these cards, you must unlock them in the technology section first.

Neural Network

Crime is a very important factor in the game, which can eats up your sizeable income. There are numerous cards which can prevent crime rate in your city and one of such influential card is Neural Network. It decreases crime rate by 10%. This card can only be discovered by playing the game or can be bought from the market. According to its last trading price, it is available for about 4k SIM. In my opinion, it is worth buying.

Free Internet Connection

Education helps to discover technology card in the game. Every 80 education gives 1% discovery chance. To increase the education, this card could be very helpful as it boosts 5% education. In the market it is available for just 500 SIM!

Open Source

This technology card help to boost education by 10%. In the market, it is available for just 900 SIM.


This card is under economy section and must have in your city as it helps to boost your income by 1% It is available for about 1500 SIM in the market.

If you are still not in the game, just join and lets' play!! 🏤🏦🏟️


This is so interesting! I really like simulation games especially when it comes in managing something like population, city, and such hahaha.

Thank you for this, I put it on bookmark and check this out later 😊
