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RE: Leofinance's daylight robbery [a call to action]

bHBD and HBD were swapped 1:1 so leo finance received 1 HBD for every bHBD you wrapped. Therefore no matter the price 1 BHBD = 1 HBD.

Working on your theory of paying back only what someone paid for bHBD on BSC is ridiculous. If you pay someone 50 cents for 1 bHBD then Leo finance makes 50 cents.
Not sure what you don't understand about wrapped and unwrapped tokens having the same value

Just explain why 1 bHBD doesn't equal 1 BHD

0.00014639 BEE

this is incorrect

If you wrap it, then yes it is 1 to 1 and we honor that

What is being discussed here is entirely different.. these users bought bHBD for $0.50 on the $1. They did not wrap any HBD. They swapped BUSD for bHBD at a discount because of a de-peg attack. Nobody is losing money or making money in that scenario.

For example: say you swap $2 for 5 bHBD.

When you unwrap it, we are paying you 2 HBD. So you just paid $2 for 2 HBD.

Josie is mad because he wants 5 HBD for his $2. That is the problem here

0E-8 BEE