RE: My New Favorite Card

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I get the frustration people are feeling, especially those who have a large stake. I keep playing and putting in a small amount every month because I enjoy the game and believe it will eventually become better than it is already if it survives long enough to see more development. Sadly, I don't know if it will. I extend that to all other web 3 games too. We're all very early adopters of this new industry and as people constantly flit between the newest exciting project on the block, all will likely prove to be unsustainable.

I think Matt and the team have the right mindset at the moment in his statements recently about the best way to solve most of the problems being to try and bring in a large amount of new players. If they can get it right there might yet be hope in my opinion as I believe Splinterlands and Invenium have found a decent niche. Some of the other hype projects in web3 such as Big Time are just way too far behind their web2 counterparts in almost every aspect. That being said I am still very excited about the future of web3 gaming, I just think that the game that explodes in to main stream consciousness is still a long long way off.


I agree with you there, I think we are still quite early and it will be a bit yet before we see that one game that makes everyone take notice. It is a bit hard to remember that given how long some of us have been invested in Splinterlands.
