Community highlight: Hive Onboarding Community (HOC)


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Welcome to our Community Highlight section where we shine a light on all the good work happening in the hive ecosystem. From game communities, to gendered communities, to even projects with just a shared goal in mind. We are planning to cover all of them.

The aim of this idea is to use our audience (which is fairly large for hive (Hi mom!)) to show the community and beyond all the good work other communities are doing across hive. These aren't necessarily projects, these could just be communities with a shared goal or vision for the betterment of their users.

I'm looking to showcase the best and brightest here. Looking to give a wider audience to those that are working hard every day to achieve something better. And who might not necessarily have the same audience reach as what we do. Sometimes we'll host communities with bigger audiences though! And that's cool too.

Right, on with the show!

The Hive Onboarding Community (HOC)


So I gave @bulliontools and @bitcoinman a questionnaire to fill out, and @bitcoinman got back to me with the answers. Here's what he said. I hope this sheds some awesome light on what they are doing.

1. Hive is relatively small, and I feel that most people know each other here. Since you own a community then I'm sure 99.99% of people on here have heard of you. So, tell us something that we don't know. Something new about yourself.

Folks may have an idea although I never directly said anything but I want to make a huge positive impact on society leveraging decentralized ledgers to accomplish this

2. Tell us what your community is and what is its goals

The Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC) is a community of hive users who want to help hive grow it's user base by providing guidance as well as some upvotes to new users as well as get more people into hive with our own efforts.

3. What first inspired you to come to hive?

I started on Steemit, it just seemed like a cool concept

4. Is there anything unique about hive other than its decentralization and free transfers that you enjoy?

Pinnacle of free banking (the idea that anybody should be allowed to admit their own currency and that the market weeds out the bad currencies)

5. Is there anything about your community that sets you apart from the rest?

Unlike most communities ours is a non-profit any funds we raise go towards the cause and not to enrich its founders and sponsors

6. You're walking along and you stumble across a golden lamp. Hearing the urban legends of old in your childhood, you rub it, poof, out pops a magic genie and grants you one wish. The only stipulation is the wish can't be for you and any of your immediate family or friends. What do you wish for?

For humanity to come together not letting our differences get in the way of our humanity

7. Name something that makes you proud of what your community has achieved together

I am very proud with the overwhelming support we have gotten and all the people who are willing to contribute to this cause even though they will not see any direct monetary gains.

8. What do you most dislike about hive?

The complexity for new users, for those that been around most of this stuff is now second nature but it can be very challenging for new users to get through this complexity hurdle

9. Ending on a positive note. Where do you see your community in 5 years?

I hope to see the community growing strong and having a way higher retention rate then users that didn't go through the HOC

And that's it! Thanks to @bitcoinman and @bulliontools for their continued commitment to their causes they feel passionate about.

Remember to Bro, Bros!

Remember to Bro, Bros! You can do this by joining us on our discord or check out out website which is currently being developed with lots of new features linked to Hive coming soon

Cone and connect with us on twitter too

If you want to earn bro you can delegate Hive Power to @brofi to earn daily bro rewards.





Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 192 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!
