Photo by Sortter on Unsplash

Hello BROs!

Here we are again! After a week of forced rest I feel a lot better again. And certainly able to pick up my work for @brofund again. So my apologies for the lack of a newspaper last week, we will try to make up for it twice this week. But be honest, which one of you really missed the newspaper?



The temperature outside is now just above 10 degrees. Even though I enjoy being outside with my dogs every day as much as possible, these days I am increasingly looking for the warmth inside. The days are much shorter and there are so many things to do during the day with good daylight that I have to do more work in less time. It's all part of the time of year. They're back...the dark days before Christmas.

And just in this time our Ray is busy writing a fantastic new Whitepaper. Now I saw people in the Discord who wondered if that was really that important. Someone who wondered if anyone actually actually reads such a Whitepaper. Fortunately, I already saw reactions that there are certainly people who find a Whitepaper important, and who also read it. And I can confirm that from my own experience, I also think it's important.

Why is the Whitepaper important? As an investor you want to know what the plans are! What the tokenomics are based on, and how this project thinks it will make money, to let you as an investor also earn money. If the plan rattles on all sides, it may not be the best idea to invest in it. If a Whitepaper doesn't tell me about the earning potential, where the money comes from, who's on the team, then there's not much chance I'd want to invest anything. Gone are the days when I would want to blindly jump into any crypto.

What has this all to do with BRO?

That's next. Most readers of our Newspaper are of course BRO hodlers. And because you are an investor, it is also important for you to know what the plans are. Our Whitepaper wasn't even that old, but Ray is still working on a new Whitepaper. This, of course, has everything to do with BRO's new approach.

You are all most familiar with The Mancave, and The Mancave is part of BRO, CineTV is also part of that and of course has its own CINE token. Then there is the BRO Umbrella Team. And you all know that the BRO Umbrella Team works to keep up with the Social Media for @brofund and @cinetv. The Newspapers to be released every week, but there is more. You will also have to work to generate income. Lately, @raymondspeaks and @stickupboys have been using the time to forge a well-oiled team, figuring out where our team's strengths and weaknesses lie. Because Ray and Stickupboys like positive thinking, they have looked for ways to turn a weakness into a strength. And that point has been reached. That gave Ray and Stickupboys a chance to move forward with the big plan.

The focus will no longer be solely on Hive, although Hive remains the end goal ... always! The focus is no longer only on the BRO token, but increasing the value of the BRO token is again the end goal. What will happen will not be exactly clear when you read all this. However, this will soon become clear to you because a new completely updated Whitepaper will be online soon. Ray is working very hard on that… and then a new token will come soon too. This will bring a lot of utility! Be warned... you're going to want this! And BRO, will be even harder to get. Ray has always had a goal in mind… 1 BRO = $100! We still have a while to go, but everything we do is focused on 1 BRO = 100 dollars!

The 20 Hive Fun Question

Now, if you keep in mind what we're working towards, might it be helpful to win 20 Hive? Just to answer a simple question?

The last question we asked was "Your relationship is going great, you are very happy together but now you come home and hear strange noises from the bedroom. You open the door and see your partner with someone else. Would you rather catch your partner with someone of the same sex, or would you rather catch your partner with someone of the opposite sex? And why?"

@thatcryptodave has given the answer which gives him 20 Hive. Congratulations.

So now on with the new Hive Fun Question, and as mentioned, it is a bit more difficult. Are you ready for an impossible question to answer? ... In any case, we are ready to read your answers! For 20 Hive

Imagine that you are swimming in the sea with your family, and then disaster strikes. Out of nowhere comes a huge tidal wave. Your partner and child are both in danger of drowning and you can only save one of them. Who would you save, and why?

Let us know in the comments below, we are very curious about your answers!


Now you understand, of course, that if you have to take a forced rest for a week, you are not fully aware of all the latest news in the crypto world. I got something left and right, so I saw a message from "Gone in 99 seconds. Of course, this had everything to do with the sale of the WOO Alpha packs, so a big "Congratulations" to @wrestorgonline is in order here.

I also saw that the Leo lion showed up again with an update about Project Blank. If you are still curious about this after such a long time, I can tell you very briefly, there will be no new token. There will be no new app… Leo = Project Blank. Leo gets a new frontend and has to turn it into an "Everything" app. The team has understood that the focus should be on Leo, not always creating new tokens. I'm curious

Things have happened outside of Hive too. The Animal Farm has been relaunched after 8 months of being closed (including all investor funds). And due to a massive shift in tokenomics, we are now seeing an increase in prices, plus a major improvement in the dividends that can be earned!

In EMP, the NFT sale in collaboration with MDB was of course the most important news. This one was held in a special way. And that has ensured that several people were able to obtain an NFT. Had it not been done this way, this NFT sale would also have become a flash sale, and all 5000 NFTs would have sold out in 90 seconds. By selling only 500 NFTs every half hour, it took longer and more people had a chance!


Before you participate, check the announcement blog so that you see what the rules are.


  • There was a conversation going on in a discord last night where a great conclusion was drawn. It is a truth, the rich people in the blockchain world are just as corrupt as the rich people in the traditional finance world. Who came to this conclusion? Go find that out for yourself. It can be found in Discord. Now I do think that you should never generalize, so here too there will always be exceptions.

  • Seeing the post of the "Everything App" for Leo suddenly made me think about @xawi and her "Everything". Although there is also an update on this, Xawi has moved on and all it took was a new crush! Who is @xawi's new crush?

  • And it's not that hard to jump from a crush to getting married. It is no longer possible to keep track of how it is exactly. You turn around to do your job, walk your dogs, or whatever. And in those five minutes @burlarj has apparently already been married four times, @xawi is already married in her dreams, but flirts with the married @reazuliqbal. Meanwhile, @neoxian thinks that Xawi is going to marry himself, and @burlarj is again urgently looking for @sayee to perform all the marriages... You could say that Neoxian City turns out to be a very loving city.


Guys and galls, this is it for this week. Just a reminder for you that you can take on a subscription to this Sunday Surprise Post / Newspaper! One tag each week when we drop the post online. You can get the subscription by just leaving a comment here that you want to take on a subscription, and if you want to get out, that's just as easy too. Just leave a comment that you want to cancel your subscription, and it's done!

With this note I leave you for this week. If you feel there's something in this newspaper you'd like to chat about with us?

You can find us here;


Make sure to also give our TWITTER a follow

Have a good week BROs


This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating your Leo power to @india-leo account? We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.


lolz thank God this is not real, married four times😁


Great updates! Good to see you're feeling better.

The answer to the question...this is not a hard one for me.
Now, I say this because I don't have a partner haha.
But either way, if I would have a partner, I'm just imagining having the dream man for me, haha, otherwise it wouldn't be fair...
Anyway: It doesn't matter if it's the man of my dreams, or the best partner anyone could ever wish for: I would always save the child.
Why? As a friend of someone who's lost a child, I have seen the devastation it brings when a child passes, especially when it's sudden. Those weeks spent with her and her family, the week leading up to the funeral, were the hardest weeks I have ever gone through, and just thinking about it now, brings me to tears. And it wasn't my child...It was my friend's child (who we knew since he was 2, so he was family). What she and her partner, and eldest son went through: I don't wish it on anyone. And I don't wish it on anyone what I've witnessed in that time either.
So even though it is, of course, terrible if someone were to lose their partner or father, I think it's easier to overcome than losing a child. You never get over that.
As a second reason, I believe the partner already had some life behind him.
He lived a life, full of ups and downs, he experienced certain things in life, like the birth of a child, marriage maybe, and so on.
The child just had a little taste of what life could be like.
The child deserves a fuller life, the experiences of life like love, travel, even heartaches, and all the ups and downs life gives us.
There's not a day in time where we don't think of my friend's son, who was taken away much too soon, and where he'd be in life if he were still with us.
The first crush, the first girlfriend, the first break-up, the first love, travel on his own with friends, etc. etc. He's never going to experience that.
So yeah, in short: It's not a choice really. If I were able to save just one, it would 100% be the child.
