Pick your hard...



Everyday when I think about what to write for my LeoFinance post my mind goes many different directions.

I try my best to keep my posts positive and hopefully, once in awhile, inspiring to someone.

To be honest, and I am sure most of you know, it is so easy to write negativity. It is the first thing that usually comes to mind. Things that have gone wrong, things that are not the same, etc.

When this happens I pause. I hit the pause button and think seriously about what I am going to write about and how I am going to say it.

Life is hard

Don't let anyone tell you different, don't let Mr. Positive fool you. Nothing is easy. But, and this is a giant but, nothing easy is worthwhile.

Look for the hard, embrace the hard. Pick the correct hard. As Grant says in the quote above.

My comfort zone

Every single time I write a post I am leaving my comfort zone.

Every post is an effort. I worry about how each post, each sentence, each paragraph, the layout, is going to be taken, interpreted by you, the reader.

If it does not seem that way then I am letting the cat out of the bag.

Why tell you my hard

Many of my posts I tell you about my struggles, my personal life, my perspective. Why?

Because I am sure I am not the only person that feels like this.

As humans we have the need to feel like we are not alone, be part of community. Shared, common experience does this.

I love reading other people's stories. See what they have gone through. How they got to where they are today. Especially when I can nod my head and think: been there done that.

Staying Broke

You can look at that as financial, emotional, how ever you want. What ever it means to you at the moment.

I hope you pick the hard that moves you forward. Getting out of your comfort zone.

54 years in my comfort zone of negativity. One year into the uncomfortable zone of Mr. Positive.

Give it a try 😉

I am alive and Thriving



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's hard but I understand because I use to be just a content consumer before Hive. It takes some effort and time to get use to all of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
