Forced to learn new stuff! And Building BBH


I cannot access a thing this morning, 6am Newfoundland time. Everything went crazy last night before I went to be. There seems to be a concerted effort by some unknown, at this time, to keep shutting HE down at the same time everyday.

Through chats I am reading in the witness node chats. So this morning I switched over to Beeswap. This tells me hive-engine is running fine as I was able to do my daily price set on BBH. But the has either gone down or was taken down, or in hiding. TribelDex wont load for me at all.

Firewall and security work needs to be done and from what I read it is being worked on. It will be intereresting to see if it is ever found out who(s) are doing this type off DOS attacks.


You can access BBH on BEESWAP. You should be able to do most of what you do on hive-engine and TribleDex there.

Here is a screen shot to show you how pretty it looks

On the topic of beeswap lets take a look at:


The great part about this is while we have growing pains/attacks on Hive/Hive-engine if you want to by or sell BBH you can go and SWAP instead. That is one awesome feature of liquidity pools. It is DEX not CEX.

I want to thank all the LP Providers.



HiverBEE Donated
Total Donations425.14948993


I want to thank everone that has donated so far. Remember if you donate BEE please send it to the @hive-112281 account.

Back to over 25 perecent funded. Thanks everyone keep it up.

If you are not in the list and think you should be, or if the totals don't look correct let me know please.

I am raising asking for dontations to a minimum or 5,000 BEE to a maximum of 10,000 BEE.

5,000 BEE will get the OUTPOST off the ground. The other 5,000 will add to it, as in, staking, delegation, I need 1 BEE stakes for each active member of the OUTPOST. Etc.

So if you have BEE lying around in your wallet or if you want to be a founding member here it is.


I will on launch of the outpost, air drop 20 BBHO for every BEE donated to getting this launched.

Max air drop will be 200,000 BBHO. There will only ever be this one air drop.

Some math for you. If we where fully funded at this moment and launched.

Approximately 3 BEE to 1 Hive 60 BBHO equals 1 Hive 0.00057 USD for BBHO if Hive at 34 cents.

Are you in?


Saturdays are drip day. Now if you are not a regular reader of mine you are wondering what is drip day.

I run a income token and tipping bot all in one. The token is BBH. Every Saturday I payout the people holding BBH tokens. Passive income if you like. I like to call it a 'drip' of a token(s) to the people that own BBH tokens. And unlike some all you have to do is own it. No staking, no nothing.

1032 drip payments were made.

If you own 10 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive.
If you own 5,000 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive and the Alive token, and CTP Tokens.
If you own 10,000 or more BBH tokens you got a drip of swap.hive, Alive, CTP, and $LEO tokens.

All just for owning BBH. There are two ways you can get BBH. First you can buy them from the open market. I use TribalDex myself.

Or they can be tipped to you. The great part about BBH tipping is that when you tip a token to someone else you do not loose any of your own. There is a central pool that supplies them.

And a third way to get BBH would be people gift them to you.


In a 24 hour period, reset at new day UTC. There are currently four levels of tipping.

Level 1 = 1000 BBH holdings = 1 tip per day you can send Level 2 = 5000 BBH holdings = 5 tip per day you can send Level 3 = 20000 BBH holdings = 20 tip per day you can send Level 4 = 50000 BBH holdings = 50 tip per day you can send

The tipping command is !BBH

I now set the release price of BBH to the markets daily. It is an open market so sometimes you can pick up deals when others are selling cheaper than my set price. The goal is to have 1 BBH = 1 Satoshi. I do a bit of math and get the price. If Bitcoin is stronger than Hive then the price of one BBH goes up and if Hive is strong than Bitcoin then the price goes down.

Here is the last week worth of price settings.

21 Nov 2023373730.35751000000000.00105
22 Nov 2023365320.33461000000000.00109
23 Nov 2023374660.34631000000000.00108
24 Nov 2023375530.34871000000000.00108
25 Nov 2023376300.35281000000000.00107
26 Nov 2023375630.35751000000000.00105
27 Nov 2023374220.36331000000000.00103


BBH, HIVE, INLEO and ME are alive and thriving.


Get BBH Outpost built
Post on Hive at least once a day
Bring some joy to my wife today
Top 20 Hive-Engine Witness
Stake 1 million LEO
Stay positive and keep a good attitude
Promote Hive to someone new
Get Curation Trial to 200 people
Hit 6000 HP by end of 2023
Do 2000 strait days posting on Hive
LPUD every month in 2023
Make BBH the number 1 income token on HIve
Visit Ghana one day


Please take time to support my Hive-Engine Witness Node.

Don''t forget to check out our Curation Trail

Don''t forget to check out the The PIzza Plan

Have a super positive day everyone.

All roads lead to Hive.

What is Hive?


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Yes, I also realized that you can spontaneously learn new things if you delve deep into blockchains. That was the case for me on Blurt when I started there as a Witness. Those were the days. 😊👍💪



It sucks to hear that there are so many issues with HE. I noticed that the LeoFinance UI is also messing up with the amount of LEO Power we have. HE definitely has had a ton of issues and I hope it gets resolved soon.
