Moody Teenager Music



I got into work this morning and I started looking through my personal Google photos library for something to use this morning. I knew the theme I wanted to go with for this weeks #threetunetuesday sponsored by @ablaze was "moody", so that's what I typed in the search bar.

Oddly enough, most of the photos that appeared had very little to do with "moody" in my opinion. It would seem the Google interpretation of moody and my own are two quite different things. Also oddly enough, this photo of my niece popped up, and since she is kind of the inspiration for this post, I figured why not use it.

Her older sister is a big country music fan. Since I like all genres of music, I can pretty much always find something that both of us will enjoy when we are together. The one in the photo above is a little more particular and eclectic with her music tastes. She has also recently (within the past couple years) gotten into vinyl records which I am a big fan of. Like I said, I like pretty much everything when it comes to music, but I've been working on expanding my boundaries so I can find some common ground with her.

As you may have guessed, all of the songs or artists I have found today I came across because I was either listening to something that she recommended, or I was looking for something to recommend to her. As much as I love music on vinyl, I can't deny the fact that digital music has given us access to all kinds of artists we might never have heard of before. The algorithms that streaming services use also do a really good job of finding new stuff you will like based on your past listening.

It's crazy scary how well Spotify knows me!

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Stephen Sanchez is one of those artists I happened upon as I was listening to Lana Del Rey or something like that and after the album was over Spotify started playing similar stuff. My niece and I both share a love for artist like Taylor, Olivia, and Lana, so this seemed to fit right into the mold. "Until I Found You" was the first song I heard of his and I really dug it so I had to do a deep dive into all things Stephen Sanchez.

I've always kind of liked that "new old soul" style that has made a resurgence lately with artists like Leon Bridges and Nathaniel Rateliff. As soon as he sang that first word "Georgia", I was basically hooked on this song.

I really encourage you to dig into more of his stuff if you like this. It is worth listening too. I know it probably won't hit with everyone, but it's perfect for those moody days when you just want to listen to some slow music.

One of the big things with music like this seems to be the use for echo or reverb. It's subtle, but it plays a prominent part in the style. Especially with Sanchez.

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I honestly couldn't tell you how White Lies got on my radar. If I'm being honest, I think the first time I heard them I thought White Lies was the name of the song and not the name of the band. I could have really picked any song from them, but I decided to go with "Hurt My Heart" because the video I found was a live version and it gives you a good introduction to the band.

I think this one might appeal to some of my followers out there that like a little bit of the harder stuff. In the last song I mentioned that there was kind of an echo or reverb effect to the artists that I was going to share today. After listening to this track again, I think a more accurate description would be something almost "operatic" about them.

Just the way they hold the notes and sing some of the lyrics really gives me that "showy" feel without being overly dramatic or annoying (if you know what I mean).

I'm not really sure how long White Lies has been around, but if they haven't been around longer than Coldplay, I can definitely see some influence there. Especially with the heavy synth use on this song.

If you listen to some of their other stuff, you will most likely see why I threw them into this "moody" post today. They just kind of have that vibe, but I dig them!

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Brigitte Calls Me Baby actually came on my radar thanks to the CBS Saturday Morning show that I occasionally watch. They do a really good job of bringing new and interesting artists on the show. As I said, some of them are new and some of them have been around for a long time but live on the "edge" of popular music.

As you can tell right away, this song has a similar feel to the first one with that operatic tone and kind of old school feel from the sixties. I'll apologize right now if you watch the video all the way through and you find it offensive. First of all, it's still a great song, and second of all, grow up.

I was listening through some more of their stuff again this morning and I started to realize that they kind of have a "first wave" feel to them. Maybe a bit of a call out to the New Romantics. I'll let you decide that for yourselves. I'm curious to know if my good friend @slobberchops has heard of them and what he thinks. If you happen to be tooling around YouTube, there is actually a full show they did from the Surly Brewing Co. in Minneapolis. I highly recommend you check that out!

So there you go, that's my "moody" #threetunetuesday post for the week. I hope you enjoyed it!

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All pictures/screenshots taken by myself or @mrsbozz unless otherwise sourced


I really liked the last tune. Would you call all 3 of these tunes moody teenager music? I know my teenage daughter likes Taylor but not sure what else, she is too busy being moody all the time. Lol.


The middle one is probably a bit of a different kind of moody, but yes. The more I listen to the last band the more I realize how much like The Smith's they are, so that's definitely moody. I'd guess you daughter probably like Lana Del Rey too if she like Taylor. Probably some Olivia Rodrigo. Maybe Sabrina Carpenter and possibly Suki Waterhouse. Conan Gray she might be familiar with too.


Yes, it feels very much like The Smith's which is probably why I like it so much. I will check her Spotify and then maybe find out.


Those are all new to me, but two are very retro. People are recreating music that is from before their parents' time. I know Grease gave it a revival, but that's a long while back now.


Yeah, there is some really good retro style stuff out there now. It's probably a lot like fashion, everything comes back around eventually!


I'm waiting for the Tudor revival. I have my lute and codpiece ready! ;)


Haha :) We maybe came close with the popularity of Jaskier from The Witcher show.


My band plays some songs that are hundreds of years old. They can still get people dancing.


Stephen Sanchez impressive, very old/new feel to the music, nice find!

Vocals and feel of White Lies most definitely more in line with live shows we had the joy of being present when younger, I could go for this.

Brigitte Calls Me Baby reminds me of Roy Orbison for some crazy reason, another enjoyable band to add to list.


Yeah, I can understand that with the last one. I started to realize they kind of remind me of The Smith's a bit.


I haven't heard of 'Brigitte Calls Me Baby,', what a mouthful for a band? The singer reminds me more of Roy Orbison than anything from the New Romantics era. That was mostly, sleaze, synths and sax..., and everyone had to wear suits, it was mandatory.


Someone else mentioned Roy as well. I started to realize it reminds me a lot of The Smiths. I think that is where all the moodiness comes in!


Interesting stuff! Moody teen music, not completely! I liked them all, but that last one is a bit on the moody side. It was really interesting in that the singer was kind of Roy Orbison like and the music more of an old time feel with modern elements mixed in. Actually it was pretty cool. Nice find!


I'm going to have to go back and listen now because you are the third person who has mentioned Roy. I remember his big hits and some of the super group stuff, but I wasn't really thinking him for this. That's definitely on me though. I trust all of you more than I trust myself!


Nice to see white lies, but what a nice surprise was Brigitte Calls Me Baby! Having to check those out a LOT. Great post to spend your prize on!


Thanks, I appreciate it! I'm glad you found some stuff you liked!
