RE: How The Emerging Millennials are Destroying Canada

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Like you brought up: having terrible values will attract the wrong people. And now more than ever it is getting difficult to know what kind of people we are truly letting in. Even when it is in the name of diversity, it's for the wrong reasons. Newcomers arrive, they are unable to work due to a mandatory 1-year waiting period, then they overflow and occupy resources that should be going to residents first (food banks). Nobody benefits from it.

It's like the most basic principle: you cannot help others until you help yourself. And the same goes for countries. We need to start putting ourselves first again, especially since, again, so many countries are ungrateful for the contributions we have made (cough cough, WHiTe suPrEmAcY cough cough 🙄)

Anyway thank you for your comment 😄 and enjoy your weekend, Happy Easter! 🐰🐣
