She Wants The Moon In The Sky

I wanted much less.

I desired to see the sea now that it is winter here where I live. I have long wanted to see what winter is like at sea. My wish is not exaggerated because I am not asking to see the sea in a place where it is now summer.

I wanted to see the sea near me (about 300 km away) in wintertime. Where I go every summer. I mean in Bulgaria, in Balchik.

I love the sea and want to see how it looks in all seasons, especially in winter. Because I've been in spring and autumn, but I didn't dare to go in winter. I was afraid of being disappointed.

I must have done some good deeds in this life and now the reward for that has come.

I got a gift of a short holiday in Balchik now, at the beginning of the new year and almost in the middle of winter!

Another dream come true, or is it not so?

I don't know how many times I have proof that things have to be done at the right time, without delays. I can't seem to stick to this rule. I've made it to the sea in winter, but winter is only on the calendar. In reality, it was springtime in Balchik. Sunny, warm, no snow and ice!

I didn't even want the moon in the sky!

I would have loved to see the beach and the surrounding area covered in snow. No way. The only sign that it's winter is that the place is deserted, just a few people and a few cats, and the people are dressed, very dressed...

That's when I decided that the photos should be in black and white. At least that much!

The place that in summer is so crowded and hectic is now still, frozen (figuratively). It looks like a movie set waiting for the actors... The cats are the masters.

Not only cats but also dogs. The difference is that the cats are locals while the dogs have come to walk their masters on the deserted beach.

I pretend to be unhappy that I didn't find snow but in reality, I'm so happy that I made it to the seaside in the off-season, right in the middle of winter!

I'm glad I'm not alone in this escapade. There's a child with his mother. He's a lucky one. I've waited sixty years to get here now.

In Balchik, there are not many beaches. The one I'm standing next to now is the most beautiful. It's not big but it's cozy. It also has a bar that in summer groans under the weight of customers. Now it's deserted and has nothing to serve us.

The sea is calm.
No waves, no fury.
It's just as uncaring even though we're there.

That quiet, deserted place sends us a message and an invitation...

"Come here over six months!"

Nobody understands anything.
Especially this crazy old man who pretends to be photographing a window but wants to be in the story.

The storyteller!

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.


Yay! 🤗
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Beautiful pictures, what a great composition! The black and white photos have something very special and you managed to capture very good scenes.

My two favourites are the sculpture with the rope and the one with the kitten! I love them!😃


This view is very beautiful the way we see there are clouds in the sky and the water below is also looking very beautiful it is very nice to see the natural scenery.


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