Leo Finance - Number of newly created posts feed needs optimized and increased


One thing I like to do on Leo Finance is exploring new content, rather than going to the curated section. This opens for me a new world of exploration and allows me to see what people are blogging about and what posts might be of interest to me while being fresh out of the pipe. But when scrolling through the newly created posts sometimes I reach pretty fast to the end of the feed and I think this can be improved in order to increase user retention and usability.


In the example above I could only see posts newer than 43 minutes ago or a total of 20 posts. Not sure if there is a limit on it or maybe some node issues on the Hive blockchain, but if not it would be great if the number of newly created posts feed would be optimized and increased. This will allow more exploration and discovery. At the same time, the retrieving of posts based on a timeline is quite popular and it is an intensively utilized functionality.


I believe that if not implemented now, it is at least to be considered and optimized alongside the new Leo Finance UI redesign which seems to follow a Twitter-like view. And to tell you the truth on Twitter I do the same and like to view New content and even search on the specific term and order the content with the new microposts. This way I keep myself up-to-date with the latest information and news on a certain topic.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I had to refresh quite a few times to get those posts to show up. It's been a frequent problem for the past year and sometimes it just gives up trying to load things. Maybe having a button to try loading again would be nice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


They have this lazy load mechanism, but for some reason, the load stopped.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea that has been an issue for the past year. I had it act up against me when I was trying to load up some posts into my feed. I probably wasted 15 minutes refreshing the page until I got to where I left off earlier in the day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
