Un Futuro Brillante Luego De Un Terrible Suceso Capitulo 1 / A Bright Future After A Terrible Event chapter 1


Capitulo 1: Traicion Y Un Nuevo Comienzo (parte 1).

Detrás de lo que parece ser un antiguo edificio escolar


Se podrian escuchar los gritos de agonía de un chico pelicastaño el cual no es nada mas ni nada menos que Hyoudou Issei. dicho pelicastaño estaria siendo atacado por Rias Gremory, la persona de la cual se habia enamorado y por los siervos de ellas quienes a su vez eran miembros del [club de lo ocultismo] y quienes solian ser sus compañeros, estas personas por su puesto eran, la ex monja Asia Argento quien poseia la piesa de [Alfil], la vice precidenta del club Akeno Himejima quien poseia la piesa de [Reina] Kiba yuuto quien poseia la piesa de [Caballo] y por Koneko Toujou quien poseia la piesa de [Torre]


Para poder entender los resientes sucesos debemos ir algunos días mas atrás.

mundo humano/academia kuoh/ club de lo ocultismo

Se podría ver a un Issei triste el cual diría, "lo siento [buchou], yo... no fui lo suficientemente fuerte para poder romper su compromiso",

Pero lo que vino jamas se lo espero, y es que Rías Gremory con una mirada oscurecida le daria una bofetada en el rostro diciendo, "¿¡como te atreves a tratar de interrumpir mi compromiso con Raiser Fénix!?".

Issei estaria en un completo shock ya que ella anteriormente estaba en contra de dicho compromiso pero ahora lo estaba reprendiendo por hacer lo que ella anteriormente quiso hacer.

Issei diría "confundido y con una voz temblorosa, "A-a que se refiere [Buchou]?".

Rias diría, como solo eres un estupido demonio reencarnado asi que solo lo dire una vez, me e enamorado de Raiser Fénix y por eso decidí seguir adelante con nuestro compromiso",

Issei diría triste y destrosado por lo dicho por Rías, "Buchou... ¿por que? ¿por que hace algo así?... yo pensé que..."

Issei quien estaria a punto de decir "pense que detestabas a Raizer por ser un play boy". Pero antes de que el peli-castaño terminara de hablar Rias lo interrumpiría diciendo por alguna extraña razon . "¿pensaste que? que me fijaria en alguien como tu?".

Cuando Rias pronunciaba esas palabras Issei reaccionaria poniendo una mirada aun mas triste y todos al ver eso se comenzarían a reír, se podrían escuchar las risas burlonas de Kiba, Koneko, Akeno, Rias e incluso Asia.

Rías entre risas diría, "de verdad creías que yo me enamoraría de un idiota como tu? pensé que eras estúpido pero esto supera todo los niveles de estupidez",

Los otros jovenes simplemente seguían riéndose como si de un chiste se tratase, Issei sintió que algo dentro de el se rompía mientras miraba los rostros de sus supuestos compañeros y amigos quienes tenian sus expresiones oscurecidas y pensaba, (esto no puede estar pasando, no puede ser, debe ser una pesadilla o algo a si, no, no puede ser).

Issei lleno de resignación decidió irse del lugar pero es interrumpido por Rias la cual diria, "quien te dio permiso de irte? todavía no te e castigado por tus acciones".

Issei no sabría a que se refería a lo que Rías diria "Koneko ya sabes que hacer".

Luego de escuchar las palabras de Rrias la joven peli-blanca agarria al castaño llevándolo arrastras hacia la parte trasera del edificio de donde se encontraban luego de eso la pelirroja diria. "chicos ya saben que hacer, luego de que Rias dijera eso Koneko se lanzo hacia el castaño conectando un golpe en el abdomen de este haciendo que este escupa algo de sangre, pero sin dejar que este pudiera reaccionar Kiba uso su velocidad sobre-humana cortando le varias partes pero las cortaduras no eran profundas para que el castaño no muriese facilmente y sufriera mas aun, en cierto punto la ex-monja usaroa su poder de sanación para que este no quedara inconsciente ni muriera para que el 'castigo' sea mas largo, la pelinegra conocida como Akeno utilizaba sus relámpagos para torturar a Issei el cual solamente podía decir, "por que [Buchou], por que, todo lo que e, echo a sido por ti, para que usted pudiera sonreír, porque me hace esto?"

Rias comenzaria a reir burlonamente y diría, "Tu solamente fuiste una herramienta, algo que utilice para mi propio beneficio, pero ahora que no me sirvess, te desechare como la basura que eres".

Luego de eso horas y horas de incontable sufrimiento y tormento fue lo que tuvo que pasar el castaño.

Algo que nadie pudo notar es que una persona estaba observando lo ocurrido con impotencia debido a que no podía hacer nada, esta persona no podía ser vista ya que no era un ente físico si no el alma de una persona quien era un castaño de cabellos largos, de ojos verde oliva y de piel clara, vistiendo una playera negra, una camisa blanca y roja, unos pantalones beige y unos zapatos rojos, también llevando unas cintas en sus muñecas.


Dicho joven de identidad desconocida hasta ahora diria. "No puedo soportarlo mas tengo que hacer algo".

Pero antes de que diera un paso aparecería otra figura la cual seria una especie de hombre de largos cabellos rubios con al menos x metros de altura vistiendo una extraña armadura.


Dicha persona le tocaría el hombro y diría, "sabes que no podemos hacer nada, tuviste la oportunidad de aparecer ante el joven pero no lo hiciste ya que decías que era feliz sin saber que tenia una vida pasada y que aparecerias solo si [ellos] verdaderamente no habian muerto y hacian algun movimiento, ademas si apareces ahora los terminaras alertandolos a [ellos] y terminaras condenando, no solo al joven si no al mundo entero".

El castaño diría con mucha ira, "ya lo se, pero no puedo quedarme de brazos cruzados",
La misteriosa persona diría, "debes de tener esperanzas de que no morirá, solo tenemos que esperar a que esas personas se vayan para que puedas aparecer ante el de esa forma no los alertaras a [ellos] ya que no estaraias apareciendo de forma brusca".

Ante esas palabras el joven asentiría para que luego ambas personas desaparecieren siendo que en ese momento los del club ya habían terminado de torturar tanto física como mentalmente a Issei Siendo que por ultimo Rías le quitaría las [evil piece] y luego todos se irían del lugar dejando a un Issei moribundo y completamente solo para que muriese, siendo que si no fuera por la intervención del 'alma' que había estado viendo todo y volvió al cuerpo de Issei, acción que de alguna manera revitalizaría al joven quien si no fuera por eso habría terminado muerto.


Eso es todo por ahora, espero que les haya gustado la parte 1 del primer capitulo de este fanfic, si tienen alguna pregunta o duda con respecto al fanfic no duden en hacerla



Chapter 1: Betrayal and a New Beginning (part 1).

Behind what appears to be an old school building


You could hear the screams of agony of a brown-haired boy who is none other than Hyoudou Issei, said brown-haired man would be being attacked by Rias Gremory, the person with whom he had fallen in love, and by their servants who in turn were members of the [occult club] and who used to be his companions, these people of course were the former nun Asia Argento who owned the image of [Alfil], the vice president of the club Akeno Himejima who had the piece of [Queen] Kiba yuuto who had the piece of [Horse] and for Koneko Toujou who owned the piece of [Tower]


In order to understand recent events we must go back a few days.

human world/kuoh academy/occult club

You could see a sad Issei who would say, "I'm sorry [buchou], I... I wasn't strong enough to break your engagement",

But what came he never expected, and that is that Rías Gremory with a darkened look would slap him in the face saying, "How dare you try to interrupt my engagement with Raiser Fenix!?".

Issei would be in complete shock since she was previously against said engagement but now she was scolding him for doing what she previously wanted to do.

But what came he never expected, and that is that Rías Gremory with a darkened look would slap him in the face saying, "How dare you try to interrupt my engagement with Raiser Fenix!?".

Issei would be in complete shock since she was previously against said engagement but now she was scolding him for doing what she previously wanted to do.

Issei would say "confused and with a trembling voice, "W-what does [Buchou] mean?"

Rias would say, since you're just a stupid reincarnated demon so I'll only say it once, I've fallen in love with Phoenix Raiser and that's why I decided to go ahead with our engagement,"

Issei would say sad and devastated by what Rias said, " Buchou ... why? Why does he do something like that?... I thought that... "

Issei who would be about to say "I thought you hated Raizer for being a play boy". But before the brown-haired man finished speaking Rias would interrupt him saying for some strange reason. "Did you think that I would notice someone like you?"

When Rias said those words, Issei would react by making an even sadder look and everyone would start to laugh when they saw that, you could hear Kiba mocking laughter., Koneko, Akeno, Rias and even Asia.

Rías between laughs he would say, "did you really think that I would fall in love with an idiot like you? I thought you were stupid but this surpasses all levels of stupidity,"

The other young people simply continued laughing as if it were a joke, Issei felt something inside him break as he looked at the faces of his supposed classmates and friends who had their expressions darkened and thought, (this It can't be happening, it can't be, it must be a nightmare or something, no, it can't be).

Issei full of resignation decided to leave the place but is interrupted by Rias who would say, "Who gave you permission to leave? I still haven't punished you for your actions."

Issei wouldn't know what he meant so Rias would say " Koneko you already know what to do."

After hearing Rriass words, the young white-haired girl grabs the brunette and drags him to the back of the building where they were. After that, the redhead would say. "Guys you already know what to do, after Rias said that, Koneko launched herself towards the brunette, landing a blow on his abdomen, making him spit out some blood, but Without letting him react, Kiba used his superhuman speed to cut several parts but the cuts were not deep so that the brunette would not die easily and suffer even more, at a certain point the ex-nun would use her healing power so that he would not be unconscious or die so that the 'punishment' would be longer, the black haired woman known as Akeno used her lightning to torture Issei which He could only say, "why [Buchou], why, everything I did was for you, so that you could smile, why do you do this to me?"

Rias would start to laugh mockingly and say, "You were just a tool, something I used for my own benefit, but now that you are of no use to me, I will throw you away like the trash you are."

After that, hours and hours of countless suffering and torment was what the brunette had to go through.

Something that no one could notice is that a person was watching what happened helplessly because he could not do anything, this person could not be seen since it was not a physical entity but the soul of a person who was a brunette with long hair. . , with olive green eyes and light skin, wearing a black T-shirt, a white and red shirt, beige pants and red shoes, also wearing ribbons on her wrists.


Said young man of unknown identity until now would say. "I can't stand it anymore I have to do something."

But before he took a step another figure would appear which would be some kind of man with long blonde hair at least x meters tall wearing a strange armor.


Said person would tap him on the shoulder and say, "you know we can't do anything, you had the opportunity to appear before the young man but you didn't do it since you said that he was happy without knowing that he had a past life and that you would appear only if [them]had not really died and were making some movement, besides if you appear now you will end up alerting [them] and you will end up condemning, not only the young man but the entire world."

The brunette would say with great anger, "I know, but I can't sit idly by,"
The mysterious person would say, "You have to hope that he won't die, we just have to wait for those people to leave so you can appear before him that way you won't alert [them] since "You wouldn't be appearing suddenly."

At those words the young man would nod and then both people would disappear, being that at that moment those from the club had already finished torturing both physically and mentally Issei Being that finally Rías would take away the [evil piece] and then everyone would leave the place leaving a dying and completely alone Issei to die, being that if it weren't for the intervention of the ' soul' that had been watching everything and returned to Isseis body, an action that would somehow revitalize the young man who otherwise would have ended up dead.


That's all for now, I hope you liked part 1 of the first chapter of this fanfic, if you have any questions or doubts regarding the fanfic, don't hesitate to ask.


Hola @basakenoks23

Interesante relato.. sin embargo hay que pretar mas atención a algunos aspectos formales de escritura y estilo... de formas de referenciar las fuentes, entre otros.
Todo en Hive es un contínuo aprendizaje. Ánimo



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