All of me: The woman in the mirror.


I don't want to fight aging; I want to take good care of myself, but plastic surgery and all that? I'm not interested.

This is not because I live in a society where things like this aren't appreciated nor that I am afraid of knives or the presence of needles on my skin. No. As a matter of fact, I prefer needle on my skin to taking drugs. You can say I am a needle person, but still, there's a limit to what a needle or knife can do on my skin.

As women, we love looking good, which is hardly why you'd see a woman choosing poverty where there's money. Money makes us feel good. Just the smell of it nourishes our skin because we know certain places we can use it, and that alone let off any wrinkles that we may have taken ages to acquire.

However, my sort of woman has rules. There are things I'd rather not do because I have excess money at my disposal. Where I am from, I know how things are. I am not mother Theresa, but I have lived such a life that makes me see the usefulness of money in some things to other things.

Whenever the mention of surgery comes out to the open in my place, it means the person made use of the Caesarian section to put to bed, which is usually rare. However, times have changed, and the presence of cosmetic surgery is not something new or unheard of. First, I'd like to say that I am not a fan of painting my face. Making use of cosmetic products on my face isn't my thing. I prefer my face as natural as it is, and this should proceed to answer the question asked.


Looking at the aforementioned quote, I do believe more in taking good care of myself by drinking water, exercising, and eating a good meal. Also, smiling is something I try to do every day because it relaxes the face and full body, and that's that.

Cosmetic surgery is never and would never be in my list of things I'll do to enhance my beauty or my body. Just the mention of ladies buying enlargement cream doesn't sit well with me. Not to talk of surgery on my body. I love my body the way it is, and I not only believe, but I do know that I am beautiful enough and appreciate every curve and edge that I possess. I love all of me and will forever stick to that come rain or sunshine, and with this, "All of me" by John Legend is dedicated to me.

Also, I am a strong believer that beauty is in the eyes and also in the character of a person.

Therefore, cosmetic surgery is something I'd never indulge in because whenever I look at the woman in the mirror, I know every pore that I have belongs to me. There's this sense of calmness that washes over me, knowing my skin is truly mine. I don't know, but I do love that the face I see every day is something that gives me an identity to my parents, and I would never change that.

There's this psychological relief I get knowing that I can go a full day without creaming, and it won't stop my skin from glowing. Also, knowing I don't have a cream, soap dedicated to maintain the beauty I have nor have an appointment with a doctor to examine my face or body due to the cosmetic surgery I have had and have to maintain is a huge relief to me.

This is my response to the Weekend-Engagement Concept by @galenkp. You can join in as well, following the stated rules in the community.

Images used are mine and video from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.

0.11524600 BEE

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0E-8 BEE

Hello, hello @balikis95 I can relate to what you say, natural is beautiful. Since I was young I never liked to use those products on my face, only pencil around my eyes, to highlight the green color and clean my face only with water. Today with my years I don't have many wrinkles. I liked your post. Thanks for sharing it. Have a great weekend.🤗🥰

0E-8 BEE

Yes, natural is the real deal. Yeah, I do that sometimes too, lol. It was nice getting this feedback from you. You are a real gem 💎.

0E-8 BEE

Everyone has a different personality, I'm glad you accept yourself as nature created you, I for one think surgery is a great alternative for some women if it helps them feel better, although personally I wouldn't want to have surgery more out of fear than anything else, Happy weekend.

0E-8 BEE

Thank you. Yeah, everyone has the right to their body. Haha, lucky you. Happy weekend to you, too.

9E-8 BEE