The View From Iraq: Is Iran a sacred cow that is forbidden to be touched or criticized?

"The View From Iraq" Is a new series where I talk about random topics relating to Iraq from a strictly Iraqi point of view. It doesn't follow any chronological order or any sort of organization.

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The condemned reactions to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's attack on Erbil in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq, while Tehran justified the missile launch, stating that it defends its sovereignty and security against terrorism, using its "legitimate and legal right to deter national security threats." We don't need evidence or documents, new or old, for the honorable people in this world to know the extent of the destruction inflicted on Iraq due to an unjust, unethical, and illegal war.

We don't need leaks from a media site to tell us that there are differences in assassinations, torture dungeons, and wholesale embezzlement of public funds. Concealing the true figures about the number of innocent victims from the Sunni, Shia, and Kurdish sects, we know all these facts, and even more, just like every Iraqi citizen. What's new is that these so-called pure individuals, who committed all these atrocities, excelled in torturing the innocent and dragging them in their new Iraq, cannot brandish the sword of terrorism they effectively wielded over the years.

Over the past 20 years, those who opposed both the American and Iranian wars on Iraq have been accused, including us, of supporting the mass graves that have just emerged under the Peace Palace in Baghdad. The new era of sectarian rule. We have never supported dictatorship, always triumphed, and will continue to triumph for democratic freedoms and human rights. When Iraqis opposed the unjust American war on Iraq and, before that, the bloody siege that claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and their families, they did not possess a magical crystal to foresee the future. We, the true sons of Mesopotamia, did not strike blindly. We knew, like tens of millions who protested in world capitals, that this war is unjust, targeting a stable, besieged country, tearing it apart, breaking its spine, destroying its social fabric, and plunging it into sectarian, ethnic, and racial wars, turning it into a corrupt failed state.

The conspiracy was not only against Iraq but against an entire nation, deepening the strategic imbalance in favor of non-Arab parties. The goal was to keep this nation submissive, devoid of any dignity or honor genes, succumbing to predatory attempts targeting its lands and resources from various directions. Now they come to us with marginal documents to confirm what is already known, under the banner of revealing the truth, putting points on the letters, stating that the executions of the innocent took place at the checkpoints of the militia army without cause. Civilians were killed after surrendering, orphaned children because their father did not stop at a sufficient distance from inspection points, or detainees subjected to electric shocks in sensitive parts of their bodies. Others were burned in secret and public detention centers. All of these are painful known facts, but what comes next? Will these documents bring martyred fathers back to their orphaned children, or husbands back to their widowed wives, or esteemed scholars back to their laboratories to contribute to elevating the status of their great Iraq and possessing the sources of strength?

Many questions we ask, and their answers are known in advance. We are waiting for the real documents that we know exist, revealing the depth of the conspiracy and all those involved, Iraqis and Arabs. Documents confirming the connection between the destruction of Iraq and Israel. These documents may not be seen soon or ever on WikiLeaks or elsewhere. Iran and Israel today are sacred cows that cannot be touched or questioned, ever since Professor Bernard Lewis, the prominent Jewish historian, issued his fatwa stating that Iraq is an artificial and fabricated state. Since Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States, came out with another one calling for the division of Iraq on sectarian and ethnic bases, we realized that a conspiracy was coming, targeting the nation. So, we decided to stand in the other trench, the trench of the nation, against this hellish plan and all those involved, and we suffered a lot for it.

One of those who practiced media deception fell into the American trap and excelled in distorting the image of all opponents to the war through one of the sectarian screens where he worked. One day, after the haze cleared from his eyes following a visit to his destroyed homeland, or so he said, we asked him, "How did you find it?" Everything you expected happened indeed: destruction, killing, tearing apart, killing by identity, looting of billions! We did not calculate it right or wrong, but we followed the compass of reason, logic, and national loyalty. We followed our Arab-Islamic intuition, which says to us that America cannot stand in the trench of justice when its owner is Arab or Muslim and does not wage wars against Muslims except to support Israel.

There is deliberate selectivity in publishing these documents. Yes, there is a carefully chosen timing for leaking them, a confirmed matter. There is a deliberate attempt to politicize to achieve specific goals by criminalizing some parties for the benefit of others. There is no dispute about that at all. The documents are American, and whoever leaked them is American. There must be a purpose behind all this, in addition to the dissemination of truth.

Iran is targeted today, and the Iraqi political leadership is one of the main targets, considered by Iran as its strong men who grew up in its embrace. The documents tell us that Iran is intervening in the internal Iraqi affairs, supporting armed militias, and smuggling weapons into Iraq.

It's an explanation of the obvious, and it's not intelligent to expect otherwise. Then why wouldn't Iran intervene and strengthen its influence in revenge against a country that fought it for eight years, formed an impenetrable barrier against its expansionist plans, and exported its revolution to the other side of the Arabian Gulf? Is it smart to reject an American gift that came to it on a silver platter, represented by the head of this great Iraq!

Iran is not Switzerland, and the history of the region is full of conflicts between its highlands and the Iraqi plain. Its regional ambitions are well-known. The problem lies not in Iran but in the short-sightedness of the Arab perspective and the blindness of the American view. This is a result of viewing the Arab and Islamic worlds only from an Israeli perspective. Now, Israeli magic turns against both the Arab and American magicians. Arabs lose Iraq and may turn into pawns for Iran, while America loses four trillion dollars and thousands of lives, tarnishing its reputation due to these reckless and naked policies.

Calls and demands for international or Western investigations into these war crimes revealed by the mentioned documents are heard here and there. We do not feel optimistic at all, and we do not expect to see these investigations take their course in our time. Even if they start, they will be of no avail because the United Nations and its organizations are American colonies, acting at the behest of the White House.

All the investigation committees formed in Britain and America regarding the Iraq war did not indict anyone. Our evidence is that Tony Blair, the biggest war criminal in history, is still a peace envoy in the Middle East. He is treated with red carpet by his governments and drowned in money for consultations. As for George Bush Jr., he enjoys a quiet retirement on his Texas farm. We look forward to an Iraqi trial, hoping to live through its events.

All those involved in tearing their country apart and drowning it in the blood we see, turning the entire Iraq into a mass grave and torture cells, whether they are members of Bremer's governing council, prime ministers, leaders of security agencies and militias, or the literati, intellectuals, and television stars who justified and facilitated the aggression. They must face a fair and impartial trial that calls witnesses, strengthened by facts and evidence of complicity, of which there are tons. These will undoubtedly be exciting and intriguing trials. We look forward to the day when we see an Iraqi awakening transcending sectarianism, with an elected, national, and just Iraqi president signing the execution orders for all those who shed a single drop of Iraqi blood. Whoever takes a life unjustly, it is as if they killed all people.
