Is It Hive's Fault That Hive Is Not Thriving?


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First of all, let me be clear; I am not downplaying the milestones of Hive or tokens such as Leo, or any of the tokens with their own frontends on Hive. What I am trying to say here is that if we go by logic, Hive and all subsequent coins should be doing much better. But why is not doing just that?

Hive Is Awesome!

By all means, Hive is just awesome. Yes, we have been here long enough and we all have our 2 cents (now 7 cents after inflation) on the way things are going, but, Hive is still, by all means, the best social media platform on earth. Maybe other planets have good social media, though, I haven't checked.

It's repetitive how Hive is good all around. Instead of having some site sell your data and information to companies so they could sell you ads, you get to monetize your own content and chose what to do with it by your own design.

I have never seen someone lose access to their account because they wrote their opinion. Hive is also versatile, you're not limited to your following/followed list and your content is seen by many in the community. You could show support to Trump in a post for something he did then talk about Obama the next and you will get interactions from a different set of people. You're not restricted to what certain people believe.

So, what is the issue?

People Love Censorship

I used to carry the belief that all people hate censorship and that their only problem is a lack of options. But, now I don't even believe most hate it. I think people on social media want to only hear their thoughts written by as many people as possible. And if they don't like something then it suddenly shouldn't exist.

The U.S president's Twitter account was deactivated and no one batted an eye. Yes, a lot of people on Twitter complained about it, but one really cared enough to say "If they took out the president's account, then can remove mine with ease", instead, people started focusing on other accounts that should be banned.

A Race To Erase

I used to honestly believe that it was naive and an exaggeration to say that people want opposite opinions suppressed, but I believe that to be the case. Words like "Nazi" and "Fascist" are now as light as "You're being kind of a jerk". You can't be a person who disagrees, you have to be a Nazi.

Comfort Zone And Fear Of Actual Exchange Of Ideas

This is to be the last point of why everyone isn't jumping onto Hive. People are comfortable slowly gaining followers and friends who agree with them that there's a serious fear of having opposite thoughts. I see that every day on Web 2 social media. Someone would treat their account as an automatic share button and if someone corrects them, the return is either getting insulted or ignored.

In Conclusion

I remain optimistic that there will be a time when web3 will become the hottest thing because it already has everything required for that. But, I think a majority in web2 is just trying to cancel each other and this constant back and forth with pressure to cancel will result at some point in many more people quitting that system altogether.

These are just my thoughts and I am much more interested in reading yours, especially if they provide corrections to an inaccurate something I wrote here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Change is a frightening thing for most people. I mean the average person gets worried and/or frustrated when they can't find the brand of yoghurt they always eat at the supermarket despite having alternative, potentially superior options to choose from.

As long as Hive is achieving exponential growth, no matter how small it is, then it'll be ok.


As long as Hive is achieving exponential growth, no matter how small it is, then it'll be ok.

Yeah, I think so too.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Most people live in a brainwashed mindset and do not realize it. It’s extremely sad and makes me want to dose the world with LSD or at minimum some good magic mushrooms so they can break through the BS and start thinking for themselves, lol.

One MASSIVE problem with Hive is onboarding. It’s too complicated and needs to be as easy as the other platforms to get people to come on.

And then I have my argument of the fact that yes, Hive is awesome, and yes we want more people, but do we want the rush of these same idiot masses that can’t think for themselves coming in and raping our platform and trying to turn it into another Twatter or FBIBook?

I say Hive is doing what Hive needs to do right now and that people need to be patient. We are not a pump and dump project. We are one of the best protocols in the industry, but we are still trying to prove our worth among all of the other shiny things being thrown out there.

The masses are scared of people that can think for themselves… I don’t know, is what it is at this point and know that the right people will find their way. Those that don’t, well they aren’t going to make it in life, lol.


I say Hive is doing what Hive needs to do right now and that people need to be patient.

I think this sums up how the current temper should be.

Thank you for breaking down a lot of these. You pointed out some stuff I have missed either thinking about or writing them. I appreciate the fact that you actually took the time to do that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Those who take the effort to onboard are usually the people we want on Hive. It is so nice to hear without all the spammers and scammers you see on the book and the gram! Keep Hustlings!


Good post, Amir. Interesting points made. I reckon it is okay to censor someone you don't like, but why do they seem to think it will not happen to them. All they have to do is piss off the wrong person.


All I know is that most people within my circle are still spending much of their time on Web 2.0 while the nerd here only opens them after office hours just to check what's going on.

The usual analogy I use to describe the difference between the two is that when people are used to consuming unhealthy food or reading superficial content, they don't have the appetite for something healthy and substantial.


In some weird sort of way we should be grateful for the state web 2.0 is in. Without the dissatisfaction with the products offered by web 2.0 most of us would probably not be here.

Yes, confirmation bias has been drilled into most of us from the first day we started school. And we now see the result. People are scared to express an opinion that differs from "the norm". And the norm is what corporate media and our political class "allow" us to think. Many have lost the ability and more importantly the will to think for themselves. They outsource that to what they read on web 2.0 and the legacy media.

Hive offers an alternative and I am grateful that we as a community embrace a broad spectrum of opinions. I believe that the platform will be successful. It already is in many ways.


Very interesting post. I appreciate you sharing your views.


Hi mate, Thanks for a great and thought-provoking post, it hit me right before bed. Buddy, I felt I had to give my upvote and !LUV as well!

As a thank you for the effort you obviously put into verbalizing your thoughts for us to digest. You reminded me of something I had forgotten or gotten hazed in my mind.

That is it doesn't even matter what you say or how right you are. When people have "demonized" or just "othered" you, are categorized as "others." They will simply ignore obviously true information, choosing by most means to cling on to what they had previously thought to be true o been indoctrinated to believe.

feeling family turn on you, because of something obviusly traditional doctrinal bullsh*t is one of the most painful expiriences ive ever gone through!.

ill be looking forward to reading up more of your blog when have the time.



Hive isn't thriving?! I see it buzzing with life and activity!
