BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 4 - Episodes 5-7


Hey, everyone. This is a series where I will be sharing my thoughts as I go through a show everyone in my circle recommended for the first time. It won't be exactly a first impression as whatever episodes I talk about will be watched at least three times before sharing these thoughts


Episode 5 - Thoughts and Prayers

Another social commentary episode by BoJack Horseman. This one deals with Diane being pro-gun which presents an interesting twist. It also deals with the hypocrisy of movie producers when a shooting happens that affects their movie's box office performance.

On the other hand, we have BoJack taking Hollyhock to visit his mother. We get to see how desperate BoJack still is when it comes to getting his mother's appreciation.

My Rating: 6/10

It seems that the show has hit a one-note approach with a 1-dimensional idea or theme, especially in their social commentary episodes. You can tell how the show is just trying to have that Tumblr quotes. It was always chasing that and I don't blame them for it, it is just more noticeable when they fail at it.

The BoJack/Hollyhock storyline provided the saving grace of this episode as the relationship between BoJack and his mother seems to be more complicated and well-thought-out other than being just a son hating his mother.

Episode 6 - Stupid Piece of Sh*t

The best way to describe this episode is that it is a close examination of what is going on inside BoJack's head. The plot is pretty simple and it seems intended to be so as BoJack is required to do simple tasks that seem so mundane and easy if you don't have the almost scribbling voice inside your head putting you down.

BoJack overthinks everything about him which results in him making things worse and worse as each day goes.

There's also the plot with Todd coming to terms with his fake relationship with Courtney Portnoy. Plus princess Carolyn and Rutabaga Rabitowitz attempt to save Courtney's moment by forcing Meryl Streep out of retirement which provided silly comedy.

My Rating: 9/10

Almost perfect if it wasn't for the fact that plot B seemed like a random silly comedy that didn't match plot A with BoJack's inner voice tormenting him.

If the episode was only plot A, it would have gotten a 10/10. But, plot B, while great, just didn't fit in well and derailed what would have been a second perfect episode in a season that really needs another one of those.

Episode 7 - Underground

Mr. Peanutbutter's fundraiser in his own home turns sour as the house falls to the underground as a result of his fracking policy.

BoJack and Diane drink together to talk or avoid talking about how they didn't talk to each other for a year and a half thanks to BoJack's disappearance.

Princess Carolyn and Todd go on a strange adventure to get to the surface.

As for the rest, they go into a Lord of the Flies-ish turmoil as the show writers try funny ideas, puns, and jokes.

My Rating: 7/10

It's a harmless, silly comedy episode that is just there for the writers to have fun and you can see that through how light and ridiculous the episode is. I welcome those types of episodes.

However, I really don't get how the fracking plot and Mr. Peanutbutter running for governor plot are still happening in episode 7 and look to be continuing. It really should have been one, or two episodes long at best.

It looks like the show doesn't have anything interesting for Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter so they gave them this meaningless and aimless plot.

In Conclusion

Episode 6 showed how good the show can be when it is well-focused. Episode 5 showed how horrible it gets when it is chasing social commentary and Tumblr quotes. And, episode 7 is what happens when you're just setting out to have fun, nothing encapsulates the different kinds of episodes in this show than these three.

Previous BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction

Season 1 - Episodes 1-3

Season 1 - Episodes 4-6

Season 1 - Episodes 7-9

Season 1 - Episodes 10-12

BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 1 Overview And Review

Season 2 - Episodes 1-4

Season 2 - Episodes 5-7

Season 2 - Episodes 8-10

Season 2 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 2 Overview

Season 3 - Episodes 1-4

Season 3 - Episodes 5-7

Season 3 - Episodes 8-10

Season 3 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 3 Overview

Season 4 - Episodes 1-4
