BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 4 - Episodes 1-4


Hey, everyone. This is a series where I will be sharing my thoughts as I go through a show everyone in my circle recommended for the first time. It won't be exactly a first impression as whatever episodes I talk about will be watched at least three times before sharing these thoughts


Episode 1 - See Mr. Peanutbutter Run

The episode is narrated in a way by Diane who sends voice messages to BoJack who is nowhere to be found. The main attraction of this episode is Mr. Peanutbutter running for the position of California's governor against Woodcharles "Woodchuck" Coodchuck-Berkowitz, who I will be referring to as WCB from now on for obvious reasons.

The funny part of this episode is that the race turns into a ski race where the winner becomes the governor. There isn't much to say about this episode really.

My Rating: 6/10

Props to the show for working just fine without BoJack in this episode although it wasn't focusing on the episode first with my mind focusing on BoJack and the aftermath of season 3's last two episodes.

The episode is dumb fun basically, and it works as just that. I am assuming the race to be governor is going to be a focus this season, and I am not looking forward to that. Still, the episode works for what it is.

Episode 2 - The Old Sugarman Place

Mentally distraught with the aftermath of episode 11 last season, BoJack completely isolates himself from everyone by staying in his grandparent's (from his mother's side) summer place.

What this episode does is deal with BoJack attempting to make sense of everything while bending time to fit in Beaatrice's (BoJack's mother) story and what she went through while staying in that place in the summer during and after World War 2.

Also, the episode has Eddie, a fly who's grieving the death of his wife.

The episode deals with sadness and loss through the eyes of the characters involved.

My Rating: 10/10

Wow! Outside of Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul, I could count on one hand the number of episodes I would label perfect. This episode definitely earns that. Even the comedy of this episode works perfectly and it is perfectly paced with the theme of the episode.

The theme is handling grief and depression. It handles the subject so well that I can't help but admire it. Everything just matches everything else.

Episode 3 - Hooray! Todd Episode!

Todd goes on a long adventure of doing his own thing as well as doing errands for others. The favors he carries for people. It's very hard talking more about this episode without spoiling it.

Todd has been one of the main characters of the show, but that was shown so little until the point. Throughout this episode we see how much of a crucial part he is to the fabric of everyone, challenging previous perceptions of him.

The B plot is about Diane and her moral integrity. Which honestly is a little bit tiring of well to keep resisting, much like BoJack was in the first two seasons especially.

My Rating: 7/10

The episode is funny, especially the parts with Todd. The controlled chaos the show creates is fun to follow. Diane is also there, along with Mr. Peanutbutter's plot of running for governor, which I guess is out there for the show's future social commentary episode that I will definitely hate.

Still, everything with Todd was great, too bad the quality of the episode was dragged down by Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter.

Episode 4 - Commence Fracking

This episode has three different stories.

BoJack and Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack, which again, I will be referring to solely as Hollyhock from now on. It follows their search to find Hollyhock's mother as they, along with us, learn new things about each other.

Princess Carolyn is desperately trying to get pregnant, nothing new there.

It also has the combined story of my hated plots with both Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's marriage.

My Rating: 4/10

Honestly, this episode had a parade of uncomfortable moments. It included at least three scenes that were painful to go through once, let alone twice which is the number of times I watch an episode at least before rating it.

It is bad and ends with such a sit-com way of ending episodes. Just horrible! We finally have an episode of BoJack Horseman that gets a failing grade.

In Conclusion

Episode 2 was a masterpiece of an episode. I would put it in my favorite episodes of all time. Too bad it was preceded and followed by mediocre to bad to horrible episodes. Take away episode 2, and the start of season 3 matches, if not beats season 1 in terms of horrible start.

Previous BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction

Season 1 - Episodes 1-3

Season 1 - Episodes 4-6

Season 1 - Episodes 7-9

Season 1 - Episodes 10-12

BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 1 Overview And Review

Season 2 - Episodes 1-4

Season 2 - Episodes 5-7

Season 2 - Episodes 8-10

Season 2 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 2 Overview

Season 3 - Episodes 1-4

Season 3 - Episodes 5-7

Season 3 - Episodes 8-10

Season 3 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 3 Overview


I have not come across this Bojack Horseman series but sound interesting.


I admire that you have stuck with this show and afre enjoying it. I couldn't get past the first 5 mins of the very first episode.
