BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 3 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 3 Overview

Hey, everyone. This is a series where I will be sharing my thoughts as I go through a show everyone in my circle recommended for the first time. It won't be exactly a first impression as whatever episodes I talk about will be watched at least three times before sharing these thoughts


Episode 11 - That's Too Much, Man!

Having alienated all of his friends throughout the season, BoJack contacts the only person he's still on good terms with, Sarah Lynn. BoJack's call and invitation to Sarah Lynn mark the end of her 9 months of sobriety as the two go on an extended drinking bender that goes on for multiple weeks.

Both go on a series of adventures as BoJack tries to "make amends" to feel better. A visitation to many of their past actions reveals a lot about the dynamic of their relationships and how unsatisfied they are with their lives.

BoJack tries to confront past events, including the events that transpired during episode 11 of last season "Escape From L.A." but everything seems to fire back.

With every warning sign ignored by the pair, the episode ends tragically.

My Rating: 9/10

Wow, this episode is in fact too much.

I'd have to rewatch episode 11 - Escape from L.A. to find out which of the two I'd consider my favorite. But, this one definitely had the more shocking ending between the two as it actually pulled the trigger and gave the ultimate consequences to BoJack and Sarah Lynn's reckless actions.

I will come back to this episode and Sarah Lynn as a character for a breakdown. But, for now. This episode is a 9/10.

Episode 12 - That Went Well

BoJack Horseman deals with the aftermath of the previous episode. His griefing process takes an escapism turn as he tries to refocus his attention and compartmentalize the tragedy by helping Ethan in his Horsin' Around spin-off. His attempt doesn't bring in the intended result and ends up backfiring.

In the B story, we have a collection of forwarding leaps for the rest of the characters as they all seem to be making a stride in their careers following a hilarious spaghetti catastrophe.

My Rating: 8/10

The main thing to take away from this episode is that the world has moved on from BoJack. While the other episodes, you can see BoJack affecting people around him, whether positively or negatively, and their decisions. Here, we saw no influence by him on the friends he had since the show started, not counting Bradley of course, but even that ends as the episode and the season concluded.

The episode is good and it's a great calm after the storm. But, this one had a rather sadder tone than the rest regarding what the future holds for BoJack.

Season 3 Overview

The show still has that inconsistency it had in season 1 and season 2. The social commentary episodes are just horrible and just contrasts how out-of-depth the writers behind the show are when it comes to these episodes. There are times when the dialogue feels like a parody account writing mocking woke Tik Tok users, but it is meant to be taken seriously. It's a problem you need to learn to live with as I doubt I will be seeing the end of it.

The season had a lot of bad-to-average episodes throughout that to me, it might be the worst season so far, or at least the least good.

Still, the season had a lot of profound and smart moments. It had cool conversations and episode concepts that kept it afloat for me long enough to remain interested. The comedy was slightly downgraded, which is not the best thing when talking about a comedy series.

Best Episodes

  • Episode 4 - Fish Out of Water

  • Episode 11 - That's Too Much, Man!

Worst Episodes

  • Episode 3 - BoJack Kills

  • Episode 6 - Brrap Brrap Pew Pew

  • Episode 8 - Old Acquaintance

But still a fun watch.

Best Quotes

It’s not about being happy, that is the thing. I’m just trying to get through each day. I can’t keep asking myself “Am I happy? “ It just makes me more miserable. I don’t know If I believe in it, real lasting happiness, All those perky, well-adjusted people you see in movies and TV shows? I don’t think they exist.

I don’t know what to tell you. I’m happy for the first time in my life and I’m not gonna feel bad about it. It takes a long time to realize how truly miserable you are and even longer to see it doesn’t have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy

There are going to be times when you’ll see someone in trouble. You’re going to want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them, but you have to stop yourself. Because there are some people you can’t save. Cause those people will thrash and struggle and try to take you down with them.

I don’t know how to be Diane. It doesn’t get better and it doesn’t get easier. I can’t keep lying to myself thinking I’m gonna change, I’m poison. I come from poison and I have poison inside me and I destroy everything I touch. That’s my legacy. I have nothing to show for the life I have lived. And I have nobody in my life who’s better off for having known me.

My Rating: 6/10

The season rating isn't the average of all episodes but rather how the season is viewed through my eyes and this wasn't an easily digestible season. Characters' actions were inconsistent at times, hypocritical at others, and flat-out stupid at times. There seems to be more focus on quotable sentences, which this season had more than it did before.

Season 3 is a very average season with one amazing episode that was built very well. The way the season ended left me intrigued. So, I will probably go back to watching the show in a week or so. As for now, you can check out

Previous BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction

Season 1 - Episodes 1-3

Season 1 - Episodes 4-6

Season 1 - Episodes 7-9

Season 1 - Episodes 10-12

BoJack Horseman First Impression And Reaction: Season 1 Overview And Review

Season 2 - Episodes 1-4

Season 2 - Episodes 5-7

Season 2 - Episodes 8-10

Season 2 - Episodes 11-12 And Season 2 Overview

Season 3 - Episodes 1-4

Season 3 - Episodes 5-7

Season 3 - Episodes 8-10

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