RE: Warhammer40k - Different price around the world 2 [ENG]

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A useful analysis ! Here's a question; did you pick the cheapest seller you could find in each country, or just the first one the search engine gave you ? Wayland Games here in the UK are known for very heavy discounting.

It might be interesting to use a VPN and compare "official" Games Workshop prices in each country as well as third-party retailer ones. If you want a real shock, add Australia to the mix !

When I had a B&M shop (which I closed a few years ago and went back to purely online retail, when overhead increases and shoplifting meant the financials stopped making sense), GW one day changed the contract to specifically bar UK retailers from selling to customers in Australia. What I heard from Australian friends is that shortly after, having established a monopoly, they almost doubled the Australian prices including trade prices to Australian retailers. Very sharp practice !


You'll laugh, but my brother asked me exactly the same thing, why I hadn't looked through the GW stores.

Yes, some of the stores I chose were the first best that the search engine showed me and 2 of them (Germany and South Africa) were recommendations from zak and me that I use myself

I remember the new rules GW introduced for stores and I seem to remember that the best known one in the USA closed down because of it (which I think now has probably the biggest army in the world and is now playing a week long battle..I'll find out).

I think it's a good idea to shine a light on the GW stores and add Australia.



i was excited to see the price different. For example the Leo miniatures cost in Germany ca. 57 EUR Australian 81 EUR that is a HUGE difference. In japan cost 62 EUR . In USA 64 Eur
