My X Strategy.. Trying to come out of Learning Curve

I have been more on Web3 because I like it and its the future but at the same time, we should not leave web2 stuff. Here I am talking about X (formerly known as Twitter) and its nice platform. We can use Web 2.0 to bring more attention and people to Web 3.0 and this can be a great strategy I believe. I have been using Twitter to promote my posts and sometimes other author's posts from Hive. Although my account was created 10 years back and I was hardly using it unless I was not part of Hive.


I saw many people using Twitter to promote hive posts and later POSH was launched by acidyo which was a great success however some changes in Twitter API made it a difficult journey for POSH. Now we can still use the hashtag but the bot does not work. I also used my Twitter account to tweet more about Hive and you can say my account has been primarily used for Hive promotion. Now there is a need to make some changes to my strategy and focus more on the account growth. #Hive is shadowbanned on X which means using #hive is not going to do anything. We need to follow the different ways to bring more attention to the account and this will lead to land on the Hive ecosystem. I had no idea about the analytics because its a premium function and I got to see this only when I paid for the subscription recently.

My X Account

Here is my X account and I want to make some changes but I am not sure if that will remove the blue tick form sometimes. I have seen some people lose their bluetick after making changes and this is why I want to be sure first before I do it.


  • The account was created in July 2013 which means its older than 10 years but I hardly did anything before joining this community.
  • As of now I have 1046 followers and 457 followers which I think is good and its not crossing the required ratio.
  • The account is verified with a Blue tick and this is something that I have got recently after paying for a subscription.


Here are the analytics for my account and this is where I need to work and improve it more. I am sure that I should be able to do this.


While many factors can contribute to the growth of the analytics but consistency and engagement is the key I believe.

This week I tried to be more active and the result is visible. I posted only once in a day and the recent tweet that I posted today did pretty well compared to the last 2. There is also a spike in the overall impression trend. This is going to take some time to take it higher but this is doable.


Plan to follow

The above is just a kind of an experiment and now since it worked well as it has shown the uptrend I can focus more on the same. Below are the components that I am going to work on and ultimately this is to bring more eyeballs to the hive ecosystem.

  • Increase in followers
  • Impressions growth
  • More Engagement

Thanks to @anomadsoul as he is sharing some helpful insights and he is a great example to follow. Things can take some time but if consistent efforts are made then sooner or later impact will be visible and I am trying to follow the same. This is my first-ever update about my X account but I will try to share it often to see how I am doing and if there is room for improvement. I am not a PRO and trying to come out of the learning curve, would appreciate any suggestion that can help me here.

My X account-

[images are from my twitter account wherever source is not mentioned]

Thank you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I like twitter too.
Maybe in some point it can give more potential to InLeo.
Thank you for sharing!


What you said is right and we can leverage this for hive.


Good luck with growing your account there. It is not so easy I think and you do not get paid for your time on web2.


thanks bro. you are right that web2 is a bit complicated and earning there is highly difficult


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Reduce your post frequency Alok. Farming is getting excessive. I will be adjusting this reward
