We Have 1 Week Uptrend And 2 Up Pins In Hive


Hello. As I mentioned in the title, there has been an upward trend in Hive for 1 week. It is slowly going up, led by Bitcoin. In this 1-week period, we have 2 up needles.

The upward trend, which started about 1 week ago at 0.3274 Busd, continued today. Hive is currently trading at 0.41 BUSD on Binance.

In this boron, 2 upward needles appear in the weekly process. Pretty good for those who can take this opportunity. The number of Hive can be increased by making a sell on these sudden rises. The first of these pins was realized at the price of 0.4332. The second was realized at the price of 0.4521.

Good to see Hive above 0.40 BUSD. But this is not enough price for us. Let's see if the trend that has been going on for 1 week will continue. How long will it last. We will watch this together. Ll see.
