My ~41K $WEED stakedsi worth ~$62 and there is a total POOL liquidity of ~$880 between SWAP.HIVE and EOS, and I earn ~2 WEED a day in staking rewards


It is very good to know I can withdraw my Weedcash at anytime with all the liquidity available here. This makes me more comfortable with buying and just relaxing and holdingmy weedcash as I know i can sell it via HIVE and some on EOS

I would hope we could have our weedcash pegged to ETH and most importantly BSC for pancake swap leocub style defi pools, same as diesel pools but on bsc, which just simply has more users and would allow a real pegged weedcash token to be on metamask, and perhaps the EOS WEED token will allow us to have a bsc/eth peg more easily but I would hope the main hive engien WEED is used to peg to BSC using Github provable Things

Then we need to spend money, $1 a day, on ads both inside hive like on mobile apps such as ecency using Boost and Promote post features, and ads on any website that will allow both crypto and cannabis ads, a rare thing to find BUT, very possible as theres plenty of small cannabis themed forums happy to take our money to run ads, especially when we find forums with no profit, no revenue, offer them ad money every month, theyll probably give us an amazing deal!

lets start with old erowid cannabis style forums. then lets go to any cannabis themed discords and forums and telegram groups

then i will donate 1000 weedcash to airdrop 1 weedcash hive token to 1000 new users, every month for the next 2 months and maybe more as i start buying more weed tokens just for this process

i will use tipit with its eos weedcash to airdrop weed to discord and telegram as @banjo is down and talk to @tipcc about a deal to pay them in installments or just increase withdrawfees to cover the $2000 to $4000 cost of adding a token to so we can do airdrops like sand kanda and neoxian

But thats a lot to pay for a tip bot when we have tipit nd banjo and we could use that moneyf or liquidty so unless they want to offer us a deal for $200 or even free i recomend against this for now, and recomend @weedcash spend a few hundred dollars donated by users like me, to pay for running ads and maybe a leo style weedcash newslatter, which im sure @canna.curate @canna-curate @cannacurate already does, but e should send those emails about weedcash to a list of users at my local @harbormmcc @harborcollective dispensary and maybe ill bring a table and sign for weedcash i can have made from donators, at my next local cannabis meetup for san diego, and theres lots of cannabis events.

We just need .... a person at the beach working full time displayinga weedcash sign tent brochures and little cards that give people their 1 free weed and a hive upvote from canna curate or weedcash users etc so they can start earning tokens. We can even give a grab bag of other hive engine tokens and just start giving out crypto which always entices people who come to the tent! We wont be selling anthing just offering to pay THEM and then many of them will WANT to buy WEEDcash tokens, using to convert their btc to hive and hive engine or tribal dex to buy the weedcash

@weedcash @richardcrill should ask hive engine tribal dex pools or someone liek @gerber if they know someone who can build a bot that lets a user autoamtically send HIVE, with a memo to specify a custom hive account to recieve the weedcash, so you can just use and have hive sent to weedcash with their weedcash account in the memo, and have weedcash automatically appear in that account!

Also guest accounts using nothing but tipit or tipcc or banjo bot in a discord or telegram that lets users post through weedcas as aproxy which can post to twitter for them, and to weedcash, and credit them with the weed taking a cut and then tipping them teh weedcash balance, could eb aperfect way to sign up a lot of peopel who just can use discord twitter and telegram + tipit to earn eos weedcash by making posst through telegram discord twitter using a bot to post automatically to weedcash hive, it could be a great way to allow users on twitter telegram discord earn weedcash withoit needing an eos or hive wallet and just earn tokens they can then withdraw to a defi account that can automatically sell teh weed for eos and deposit to a account and memo that auto sells it for whatever they want like even BTC, so users can go directl from telewgram discord or twitter, make weedcash posts, and earn eos weedcash they can then withdraw with one transaction to get Bitcoin or eos to sell on theri cashapp or card for REAL CASH! And because it uses eos or btc as the middle man we never worry about being "delisted" or "banned" haha hahah HAHAH MUAHAHAHAHA

Posted using WeedCash Network

0.03156833 BEE

a summary of my stake and how much weed i make and how much liquidity there is (its over 10 times the amount of stake i own, so i could buy 10 times what i have and still feel comfortable holding knowing ic an sell at any time without loss like in the market

Posted using WeedCash Network

0.01466208 BEE

Can you create a telegram bot?
Are there developers who would help to realize your ideas technically?

0.01439745 BEE

yes I already got weedcash on eos and added for free to

but i want to have a tip bot for hive weedcash, and that cna be done with @inertia 's @banjo freakazoid based bot anyoen can fork but he did alot of extra worek to make banjo, wed wanna just ask him to help by re enabling banjo tips, and making a bot to intract with banjo if possible in discord which we had done before with bala and @telokanda discord with tip bot triggeredby bots that saw peopel posting etc it was crazy actually how much potential theer is to use discord to make posst and have emauto posted tohive and get tips in discord maybe without needing hive wallets

anyway we could very easily find a developer to add hive to an existing tip bot, and then ask them to add extra features for some extra money, like ability to post to hive with aposting key for that bot, let users delegate ho to it, and it can post, earn weed, send the liquid to the user via a tip , keep teh staked, power it down to sell for profit later, and we could do it yeah, just need some money but we shoudl find someoen first sure but its just hard to find a confidenttoip bot creator who realizes hive is easy to work with and that hive posting can slso be done via commands liek a $post commandin discord or twitter would post a link or message and even image asa weedcash hive post, its all very possible

this godaddy yoyutube ad i just saw had a great point about how our messaging is missing a story, we should make a chepa ad showing a cartoon character smoking weed with a big problem, hes not making money with his weed photos and hes getting banned posting weed stuff on regular social media

this chatracter then joins @weedcash in this animation and it can be liek animated still image comic strip, made by a weedcash user, glossed and poilished, with music, and a voice over,and then the character in teh ad findfs weedcash, not only has a backup of all theri cannabis posst never getting censore dor deleted, but eh ALSO earns tokens posting any sort of weed content earning mroe with higehr qualkity, and this is how our ad should go, with a characterm that has aproblem, and weedcash solves their problem fo censorship, and needing to earn crypto off their posts

it solkves 4 probelsm really,

it lets them avoid censorship,

it keeps a backup of all thei9r cannabis posts in one blockchain database

it pays them for their content

it pays them in hive aND weedcash a cannabis TOKEN which is a problem, finding a REAL cannabis crypto that MEANS somerthing and isnt just a dogecoin for weed, like the previous popular cannabis related coins out there.

Posted using WeedCash Network

0.01437144 BEE

I see no point in posting through a bot if you have a hive account!
Another thing is the contingent of telegram communities, but which do not have an account yet!
I see the bot more as an opportunity to monetize the content of the thematic telegram channel (any topic can be)
A bot with which the admins of the telegram channel can post the selected content of the channel to the hive

For example, from the entire content of the telegram channel, the admin selects a high-quality grow report and using the bot command publishes this material to the hive account created by the bot special for this telegram channel ... (or you can link an existing hive account to broadcast content from telegram)
The TG channel admins either distribute the profit among the content creators in the chat, or use it to develop the channel ... at their discretion.
Just a telegram bot that you can add to your TG channel if you have one

Regarding the creation of promotional content, you'd better consult with the channel moderators.
One head is good, but together you can create really worthwhile things.

0.00000299 BEE