My Boredom Story and How I was able to Rescue myself from it...


Greetings all and sundry on this platform, I welcome you all once again to my blog. I write to participate in the next episode for the daily contest organized here in hive learners community. It is my pleasure to participate in them as well. I hope that my entry would be validated and accepted.

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I have been very bored many times in my life. Sometimes, I am bored because I don't have anything to do. Sometimes, I am bored because I want to do something but don't know what to do.

When I was young, my parents would send me to the library by myself because they thought it would be good for me to learn how to read and write. But sometimes when I went there, there was nothing for me to do except look at the books with pictures in them. So sometimes when it was raining outside, or if it was too hot outside and we couldn't go outside because of the weather, then I would go into the library because they had air conditioning there so it made it cool inside and they had lots of books on the shelves that were interesting stories about people who lived long ago or who had adventures with their friends and family members like pirates or wizards or dragons.

My dad always said that if you were bored then you should try reading a book or drawing a picture instead of sitting around doing nothing all day long.

One time, I was so bored that I just couldn't stand it anymore. I was literally counting the seconds until something happened and I felt like my head was going to explode.

It was a Sunday afternoon, and all my friends were out doing fun things. They had gone to the swimming pools and some other places, while I was stuck at home on my laptop, looking for something interesting to do. There was nothing.

I remember sitting on the couch with my phone in hand, browsing through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a few minutes until I felt like I had seen enough. However, it did not take long for me to realize that there wasn't anything else that could keep me busy.

I decided to use this time wisely and sat down on the couch and started reading one of my favorite books. It was a book about entrepreneurship, and it was written by an author who had already achieved success as an entrepreneur himself. The book was titled "Think and Grow Rich". Although I haven't completed the book yet but this book helped me understand what it takes to be successful in business, especially when you're starting out on your own path as an entrepreneur.

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It also taught me how important it is to have faith in yourself and believe in your abilities even when nobody else does. This book helped me realize that there are so many things we can do if we put our minds into it.

Reading the book really made my day and I even forgot about the boredom that I was engulfed in.

Also, one thing I like doing most to ease my boredom is by playing video games especially action genre specifically. Although I used to be a fan of Football genre but for now am addicted to action more than soccer games.

In as much as boredom is part of our life, we should always try to get something fun doing ones we found ourselves in such a situation in other not to engulf ourselves in it for long.

Thank you all for time and attention and also for stopping by my post.


Reading should be a part of everyone life because it really broadens our knowledge in different aspects of life.
I like to read in my free time but I haven’t done that in a while. I guess I’m too busy and I barely have time for myself.

It also taught me how important it is to have faith in yourself and believe in your abilities even when nobody else does. This book helped me realize that there are so many things we can do if we put our minds into it.

In all we do, we need to have faith in ourselves. Why do it when you don’t believe in yourself.
It takes a lot of faith for someone to make an effort to start something.

Reading the book really made my day and I even forgot about the boredom that I was engulfed in.

I guess next time you’re bored you’ll go back to the book.😃


Hahaha, sure I would go back to it but for now I am on break 😂😅


Reading books and playing games are also positive things we can do when we're feeling bored, and you do the right thing when you're feeling bored. @abu78 😁👍


Thanks so much for the compliment, I do appreciate your comment


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Keep doing the great job ❤️



Thank you so much for the support, I will do my best to write and share in your community.


Our parents always believed reading a book can help you get rid of your boredom, in my path I easily get bored reading.


Wow that is interesting to know, sometimes the kind of book also has an effect, thanks for your concern.


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Boredom is kinda part of our daily lives thing I said that in my post too thanks for sharing.
