[EN/PT-BR] Three things I don't like


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Every human being is made up of countless qualities and defects, a character, a way of acting, a way of thinking, we are an entire universe in motion, making decisions daily or just failing to make them, that is us, the human being. Among today's topic, which I would like to share with my fellow readers, is that each of us is unique and therefore, we can like or dislike some things and this is something very personal. So what would be three things I don't like?

The first one is jiló, I don't know how this green friend is known outside of Brazil, but well, around here a lot of people consume it and really like it, I never managed to adapt, among the various foods that exist it is my negative champion. Even mixing it with some other things to disguise its flavor, it really doesn't go down. I know that a lot of people like vegetables and fruits, but there are some that I really can't eat. Jiló in particular has a very bitter taste, it really doesn't suit me, so whenever possible I avoid eating it as much as possible.


The second thing I really don't like is when I see injustices towards people, because living in Brazil, here we can say that we have too many injustices and people acting smart, there is always someone wanting to have an advantage over other people and I think that's one thing horrible. I believe that even here at Hive we can do injustices that benefit us and end up hurting someone else, so I always try to tell other members that if possible, don't try to do that, don't try to inflict injustice on anyone and do everything you can. as accurately as possible.

Our people are so unfairly treated by corrupt politicians, problems in health, education, security, we had so much to be a first world country, with the population being able to have a better, fairer life, with quality access to several things that in theory everyone we have rights, so these injustices make me upset. Every day a new tax, an extra expense, the same salary, more work and less money in your pocket, all of this is complicated for our lives.

Finally, another very personal thing is that I get very sad and I don't like it when people say things about me that I didn't do. Maybe I'm the very straight-laced type, but I don't like to see myself like that, I just think that when they create false narratives about me, my honor and my way of living are being attacked. It may seem cliché, but I live a life that I talk about, it's like a saying that says exactly that: a lot of people say one thing, but they rarely carry out with actions what they keep saying. I try not to be like that, after all I think we have to have a lifestyle and focus on it.


I remember many times, for example, when I get home a little late, sometimes I mess up with work or just go to the grocery store, when I get home she comments that I was with “another woman” and that's why I was late and I get upset about it. , I really don't like her talking after it's a joke, because I don't get involved with other women, I love my family and my children and for them I know I can't make a mistake or something like that. So I live what I say, I don't know if you understood what I meant, but it's like that, that's why I don't like it when people make up things about me that I didn't do!

Anyway, these three topics are things that I don't like, but that I have to live with, after all, living in society we go through a lot of things that unfortunately we don't change very quickly, but we accept and try to live with them, even though we think they are bad.




Todo ser humano é composto de inúmeras qualidades e defeitos, um caráter, uma forma de agir, uma forma de pensar, somos um universo inteiro em movimento, tomando decisões diariamente ou apenas deixando de tomá-las, isso somos nos, o ser humano. Dentre o assunto de hoje, que gostaria de compartilhar com meus amigos leitores, é que cada um de nós somos únicos e sendo assim, podemos gostar ou deixar de gostar de algumas coisas e isso é algo bem pessoal. Então, quais seriam três coisas que não gosto?

A primeira delas é o jiló, não sei como esse amigo verde é conhecido fora do Brasil, mas bem, por aqui muita gente consome e realmente gosta disso, eu nunca consegui me adaptar, dentre vários alimentos que existem ele é o meu campeão negativo. Mesmo misturando com algumas outras coisas para disfarçar o seu sabor, realmente é algo que não desce. Sei que muita gente gosta de verduras e frutas, mas têm uma ou outra que não consigo comer mesmo. O jiló em especial é por conta de seu gosto muito amargo, não combina mesmo comigo, portanto, sempre que possível evito ao máximo ingerir ele.


A segunda coisa que não gosto mesmo é quando vejo injustiças com as pessoas, pois vivendo no Brasil, aqui podemos dizer que injustiças e pessoas se fazendo de espertas temos demais, sempre tem alguém querendo ter vantagem sobre outras pessoas e acho que isso é uma coisa horrível. Acredito que até mesmo aqui na Hive podemos fazer injustiças que nos beneficiem e acabam arrebentando com outra pessoa, por isso, tento sempre passar para os outros membros que se possível, não tentem fazer isso, não tentem aplicar injustiças em ninguém e que façam tudo o mais certo possível.

Nosso povo é tão injustiçado com políticos corruptos, problemas na saúde, educação, segurança, tínhamos tanto para ser um país de primeiro mundo, com a população podendo ter uma vida melhor, mais justa, com acesso de qualidade para várias coisas que na teoria todos temos direito, então essas injustiças me deixam chateado. Todo dia um imposto novo, um gasto a mais, o salário, o mesmo, mais trabalho e menos dinheiro no bolso, tudo isso é complicado para a nossa vida.

Por fim, outra coisa bem pessoal é que fico muito triste e não gosto quando falam coisas sobre mim que não fiz. Talvez eu seja do tipo muito certinho, mas não gosto de me ver assim, apenas acho que quando criam falsas narrativas sobre mim, a minha honra e o meu jeito de viver estão sendo atacados. Pode parecer clichê, mas vivo uma vida que falo, é tipo um ditado que diz exatamente isso: muita gente fala uma coisa, mas dificilmente executa com ações isso que ela vive falando. Tento não ser assim, afinal acho que temos que ter uma conduta de vida e focar nela.


Lembro muitas vezes, por exemplo, quando chego um pouco atrasado em casa, às vezes enrolo no serviço ou apenas fui no mercado, quando chego em casa ela comenta que eu estaria com “outra mulher” e por isso demorei e eu fico chateado com isso, realmente não gosto mesmo que ela fale depois que seja brincadeira, porque não me envolvo com outras mulheres, eu amo a minha família e meus filhos e por eles sei que não posso cometer um deslize ou algo do tipo. Então vivo o que falo, não sei se deu para entender o que quis dizer, mas é tipo isso, por isso não gosto quando inventam sobre mim, coisas que não fiz!

Enfim, esses três tópicos são coisas que não gosto, mas que tenho que conviver, afinal, vivendo em sociedade passamos por muita coisa que infelizmente não mudamos muito rapidamente, mas aceitamos e tentando conviver com elas, mesmo achando ruim.



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The truth is that we can never escape from false narratives by people about us: that is human nature. Going about to say things they didn't see and coming to a conclusion about it until we prove to them otherwise. I hate such thing too but the better we ignore those false narratives so we don't deny ourselves joy and peace.

I don't know what Jigo is truly but I believe there are some food we mostly hate and do not want to eat them. I have them too.

0E-8 BEE

The best thing we can do is to ignore it, not get carried away by these false testimonies of things that didn't even happen. People like to invent things that don't exist, it's their way of diminishing us so that they think they're great.

Jiló is very bitter, if you ever have the chance to try it, you'll see how tough it is to eat it kkk

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Yes. That's their work when they don't have anything doing; they invent and craft out what doesn't exist about us and that shouldn't be a bother to us.

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Injustice in my home land is badly prevailed the more worsen is that people don't know about the injustice they are facing.

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Unfortunately, injustice is something we'll have to live with for a long time. Some countries and places even have a "lower level of injustice", but I think that's more true of first-world countries. Brazil is a long way from realizing this dream.

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0E-8 BEE

Some jerk threw a bottle of omega 3 pills at me.
Luckily my injuries were only super fish oil.

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thx man!

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I don't want my wife any longer.
Her height is perfect.

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@phillarecette, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of shiftrox

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There's nothing quite as painful as being falsely accused of something. Especially when you won't be given the chance to defend yourself. Everyone will make up their minds about you and believe what they want. It can be very painful. One of the worst things that can happen to a person.

0E-8 BEE

It's certainly a very bad feeling, that's why I'm indignant, nowadays it happens a lot, we just accuse people and don't even give them a chance to defend themselves or seek more information to see if they really did something. Making hasty decisions or accusations is very dangerous.

0E-8 BEE

Never tried jilo, apparently called scarlet eggplant. Maybe someday, but you don't make it sound very good!

I'm with you there, being treated unfairly by the government is a daily thing in all of our lives, some places worse than others. I have heard it's really bad in Brazil.

And being blamed for someone else's mistakes, that really sucks!

0E-8 BEE

Jilo is too bitter, ahhh, I can't eat it at all and there are people who really love it haha, it's funny how someone likes something so bad.

Regarding the other points, it's the purest truth, lately the governments of the countries are becoming more and more invasive and they're killing us with so much corruption, taxes and fees, these are difficult times!

0.00050705 BEE

I agree with you, the world gets more corrupt by the day...

I personally detest brussels sprouts! Jilo sounds like it's the same kind of flavor, I doubt I'd like it either!

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