Rescue Stranded Lifeform : Friends Adrift


My friend, Polo, is more emotional than usual, desperately asking travellers to answer a distress signal they have received. Polo is unable to leave the Space Anomaly so he is relying on the courage of his friends. I am one of their friends, and I am eager to help. This mission is to rescue a long-lost contact friend, whose starship seems to have an unfortunate fate, broken in the middle of nowhere. He needs help!

After receiving the mission's information from the Nexus, I initialise the mission and then quickly start it. The completion of this mission will reward me with 1800 quicksilvers, and 448,680 units. It was a huge reward! I am so fortunate to have this mission today.

This distress signal's coordinates were not in the system I was in at the time. So, I jumped to a different system to reach the targeted planet. It always amazes me how massive this universe is.

In just a matter of a few seconds, I arrived at a system called the Levening System in the Euclid Galaxy. The system was first discovered by a traveller called Stu. There are five planets in total in this system, all owned by Vy'keen. The economy is in a high-tech state, and the conflict level is very high.

The approximate location of the stranded lifeform on a planet is called Tehra. Tehra was also first discovered by Stu. It is a Frozen Anomaly planet, rich with Indium, Dioxite, and Salt. It has high sentinel activity. After activating the pulse engine system, my starship flew at 65,778 units per second. Although the distance of the planet is millions of units, the scanner shows me that I will arrive at the planet in 38 seconds. That's fast!

Then I arrived at the planet's atmosphere. I was stunned by its orange-hued atmosphere. It instills enthusiasm and passion. It makes me feel sprightly. I continued the flight and entered the planetary region.

There were many giant, ring-like plants all over the surface of the planet. I've been on a planet like this before, but with a different atmosphere. From a far distance, I saw two starships about to leave the planetary atmosphere. It was indeed a stunning view!

I safely landed my favorite starship, which I named it Winorun. The scanner shows me the magnitude of the external temperature was 24.3 degrees Celsius. That's not far from the normal temperature that we used to have, isn't it? So, welcome to Tehra, me. It would be fun!

Stranded lifeform was nearby, a long lost contact friend of Polo was about to be found, and they shall be reunited again. Polo will be so happy! Then, I used the Target Sweep to pinpoint the location of this friend. After I aligned the targeted location, the scanner showed me an estimated distance of 468 units from my landing area. That's not that far! So I walked and sometimes I use my jetpack to fly around...

A few moments later, I found a broken starship. That was the location of the stranded lifeform, Polo's friend, to be exact. I wonder how he survived all this time.

Closer look of the broken starship. It was a Fighter Archetype starship. It was a fighter, which are the mascot ship! It looks awesome!

I finally met Polo's friend. He seems surprised to see me. Their eyes search mine, wondering what I am doing here and how on earth I found him. Then, he showed me his starthip's melted navigation computer, probably due to space combat with the pirate. The part he showed me was beyond repair, but it could potentially be replaced.

Then, he handed me the encrypted navigation computer. It's an advanced nanocomputer, performing processing tasks related to starship navigation, flight stabilisation, and external sensors. I need to analyse it using my exosuit analysis.

I analyse the component to locate paired decryption terminal. It scanned through the entire system. In matter of second, decryption terminal located on nearby planet. It's time to move!

I called Winorun and few seconds later it was already here, ready to fly out of this planet and locate the decryption terminal.

After break through Tehra's atmosphere, I can see the location of the decryption terminal. With a speed of 2000 units per second, I should be reaching the planet in 21 minutes! That was too long! So, I activated pulse engine and arrived in 24 seconds! Huge different!

I reached the targeted area, where I saw a decryption terminal. The terminal that I tried to access was locked, and there were sentinel activities detected nearby.

In order for me to gain access to the decryption terminal, I had to eliminate the corrupted sentinel's drones. There were a few of them. With my Scatter Blaster, destroying a mere drone was an easy task.

Then, I presented the encrypted navigation computer to the decryption terminal, and it's finally decrypted! Polo's friend will be happy! They will be reunited again sooner!

Before I leaving, I discovered a player's base nearby. It was a simple base. It was common to see a base like this on a weekend quicksilver's mission where travellers were doing the same mission on the same spot.

A few seconds later, I returned to Tehra, back to the crash site. I spoke with the stranded lifeform, and gave him the decrypted part, the navigation computer.

After I gave the navigation computer, I thought we can take picture together before we said goodbye to each other, but the stranded lifeform quickly fixed his starship and leave faster than I can breath. That's rude!

It's finally over. Mission complete! I return to the Space Anomaly and take my rewards. It was another daily grind for the quicksilver that I enjoy. If you read this far, thank you so much for your support and attention. Until next adventure in No Man's Sky! Have a nice day. Goodbye!

Note : All photos were screenshots taken by me while playing No Man's Sky game. My thumbnail picture was edited using PixeLab apps, the photo in there is my face with a black exosuit that generated by ToonMe apps.
